Chapter Seventeen

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The Eternal Spring was completely quiet except for the sound of birds, trees, water, and the Satyr playing his pan flute while the nymphs danced around him. While the nymphs were dancing to the flute and giggling with joy they used their nature enhancement all around them. They kept enjoying themselves and having a very good time until a warlock blinked in with another warlock holding him. "What do you want" asked the Satyr "we want you to show us the Eternal Spring" Prince answered, "we can't do that. Please leave us". Before the Satyr could finish what he was saying Prince threw a fireball at him and watched him die. All three of the nymphs screamed and begged for the warlocks to leave them alone but they didn't. "Tell us where the spring is or end up like your little Satyr" Caesar laughed "we aren't meant to show someone the spring without the Satyr's permission" Kaylee replied "wrong answer". Prince held a fireball in his hand and got ready to throw it at one of the nymphs but they escaped. As soon as he threw the fireball they dodged it then ran through the woods and slowly faded away. "DAMN IT. They got away," Prince said in an angry tone "we have to get them back here," Caesar said "but how do we do that" "by making them think they found a new Satyr" "and you think you could trick the nymphs" "not without a little bit of practice first". They both laughed then Caesar leaned down and grabbed the flute out of the old Satyr's ashes. He whipped down the flute then sat down and tried to figure out how he would lure the nymphs back with it. While he was working with the flute Prince continued pacing back and forth while talking to him. "Maybe we should kill a few witches and steal their power then come back and finish them off," Prince said to Caesar "we don't need any witches we need the spring. Now go look for them". Once Prince was told what to do he grunted and told Caesar to be careful alone then he blinked away.

After Dylan was ready to start his day he walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes with syrup and fresh coffee. "This is a bit much" Dylan heard Arianna say "if you don't want it then you don't have to eat it" Sean replied "what's going on in here," Dylan asked while walking inside "nothing. Go eat your breakfast" Sean answered, "I can't I have to go to work". Then he headed for the front door to grab his car keys but stopped when Jayda orbed into the living room. Once he noticed her he called his siblings into the living room so they could hear what Jayda had to say. As soon as they were all together and saw Jayda they sat down so she could explain to them what was going on. "What do you guys know about wood nymphs," Jayda asked "not a lot why," Arianna said "some of the nymphs have been seen in the city which makes the Elders worried about being exposed" "I thought they never left their home" "not unless someone makes them". Right when Jayda said Arianna told her that she would check the book of shadows and figure out which evil flushed out the nymphs from their home. While they were walking into the attic to check the book Dylan said he had to go so he grabbed his keys then went into his car. Once in his car, he started driving to Pawtucket Media to start his shift and to help around the office. After Dylan was out of the house and at work the other Charmed Ones began going through the book. "While Dylan is working we need to find and vanquish whoever attacked the nymphs," Michael said "okay but how do we do that with no idea what attacked them" Arianna replied "first we have to find them" "I'll call out of work so I can help" "I'll call out too," Sean said. They kept talking and trying to figure out what happened with the nymphs so Sean asked Jayda. "Do you know any demon or warlock that would want to kill a nymph" he asked, "which demon or warlock wouldn't want to kill a nymph. If they get to the eternal spring they can't be stopped". When she said that he and his siblings continued going through the book of shadows to find something.

Once Dylan made it to Pawtucket Media he quickly parked his car then gathered all of his things while walking out of the car. When he had all his things he left his car then headed to the elevator to quickly get inside and start his shift. He sat down at his desk after passing out everyone a coffee then he started answering phones and doing some paperwork. While Dylan was filling out some papers he heard some of the journalists talking about something that caught his attention. "Did you see that report I did" one of them said "which one" the other asked "the one about the nature freaks" "oh. How did you find them" "one of my friends told me about them. They might be doing a report about them now". Then all of a sudden the news turned on and it was talking about the nymphs at Central Park near the fountain. Once Dylan saw the news report he quickly stood up and went into the break room to call Arianna and tell her what he learned. "Hey Dylan," Arianna said "no time for small talk. Turn on channel eight news," Dylan said as she did what he said "they are at the park" "they were at the park but they might come back". She thought for a moment then told Dylan to meet her there after work in case the nymphs returned. "Should we ask Michael and Sean to come too" Dylan asked "we probably won't need them" "okay. I'll try and finish up her then pick you up" "alright see you soon" "bye" "bye". After they hung up the phone Dylan walked out of the break room and back to his desk to finish his work. While he was still working he kept his eye on the news just in case they popped up again with a new location. Then his boss Claire asked him to grab her lunch from the break room so he sighed silently then quickly grabbed and handed Claire her lunch. He rushed back to his desk to hurry up while constantly checking the time to see if it was time to leave. A few hours later and it was finally the end of his shift so he started grabbing his things and locking up. After everything was locked up he rushed to the elevator and went back to the parking lot to get his car. He quickly went into his car and drove home to pick up Arianna so they could find the nymphs.

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