Chapter Nineteen

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After a long day at the law firm, Jackson grabbed all of his things and started getting ready to head to his car and drive home. While he was getting ready an invisible ghost wisp into the room but since he was a ghost he was invisible to Jackson. Once Jackson was finished getting ready he started walking to the doors so he could leave but something happened. Before he could walk out everything on his desk was thrown to the floor but no one was there with him. Jackson started getting angry when more things kept getting thrown off of the shelves and the drawers. When he started getting more worried he tried to rush out of the office but it was like someone was holding it shut. He started yelling while backing up then started hearing someone talking to him but no one was there. Then all of a sudden Ashley started becoming corporal in front of Jackson's eyes which made his heart start to beat faster. "How the hell are you alive," Jackson asked with fear "that's the problem, Jackson. I'm not alive" Ashley answered "what the hell do you mean" "this is all your fault". Right when Ashley said that she grabbed a pen then stabbed Jackson in the stomach with it. Jackson screamed in pain as Ashley continued stabbing him over and over until he finally died. Once he died she sat at his desk then looked through his computer to find the address of the judge who sent her to die. As soon as she found what she was looking for she quickly memorized the address then walked through the door. When she walked through the door she didn't have to open it she just used her intangibility then she turned invisible and wisped away. A few minutes after she left someone walked into Jackson's office to hand him papers but instead, he found his dead body. His heart jumped and he grabbed his phone then started dialing 911 so he could tell them what happened. Right after the cops were notified they sent a few officers to check it out and take the body away. While they were wheeling the body into an ambulance all of Jackson's co-workers talked with cops. When they were finished doing what they had to do they quickly got back into their cop cars and drove away to try and solve the case.

Once everyone was awake they quickly got ready then went downstairs to grab some breakfast and to talk with each other. While they were eating Arianna was talking about her upcoming wedding and how she wants to throw an engagement party. "I think it would be a good idea to throw a party," Dylan said, "I think so too. Maybe you could throw it at Étoile" Michael replied "if I throw a party who should I invite" Arianna asked "let's talk about this later" "alright fine". Then they finished eating breakfast and started cleaning the dishes and the dining room table. As soon as everything was clean again Dylan grabbed his car keys then went to his car. When he got to his car he put the keys in the ignition then started driving to Pawtucket Media to work. Once he left Arianna grabbed her keys then started driving to Étoile so she could work and see Tim. After his two siblings left Sean sat with Jayda on the couch and turned on the news while Michael went back into his room. They kept watching the news and right before they were going to turn it off it started talking about the attack last night. When the news report was over Jayda and Sean started talking to see if it could be supernatural and if they should investigate. "I don't think this has anything to do with magic," Jayda said to Sean "it could be" "how. The guy was stabbed with a pen" "okay maybe you're right but keep an eye out" "okay". When they finished talking Sean shut off the TV then walked with her into the kitchen to grab some drinks. Once Michael was in his room he grabbed his phone and quickly called Susan to talk with her. "Hey, babe. What's up," Susan said "hey. I was just wondering if I could come over" Michael replied "yeah sure. What time" "I was thinking in a few hours" "okay see you then. Bye" "bye". As soon as they finished talking he placed his phone on the charger then hopped onto his bed. Then he grabbed the TV remote and turned on the news and saw the same report Sean did downstairs. He also didn't think anything of it so when the news report was over he changed the channel to something more interesting. After the show was over he shut the TV off then went downstairs to look through the paper and find a job offer.

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