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Full name: Falcon K, (Kenny) Clawson
[Pronounced - F-al-con / Kenn-ee / Cl-aw-son]



During comic's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, he is 18.

During the comic's 8, 9, and others after, he is 28.

Species: Hedgehog

Height: Body (8'2), ears (11 inch)

Ethnicity: MindWalker/English



Falcon grew up an only child between his two parents, Taylor Clawson (Howard's), and Cain Clawson.

When he was five, his parents had a divorce.
The reason being his mother didn't think that Cain was spending enough time with him, as he was always brushing him away and often giving out excuses as to why he didn't have the time to be with him.

When he was older, he attended college and met Firebolt this way.
After Firebolt's "gang" (Not to be confused with the Infinite Squad), left, he moved in with Firebolt into his apartment since he had nowhere to go after he graduated.

He continued to live with Firebolt until a year later they would go on to meet the others due to DarkStar's attacks.



He is of MindWalker decendent, meaning he has MindWalker powers.

His abilites are named the "Ice Bird." The ability gives the holder feathered wings, he specifically has three blue dots on his underwing and they will glow a blue hue when he is using his powers.

He can also form blue shards from thin air.
(He is however, unable to form them straight into his hand.)

Ability side effects:

Due to never using his powers, he isn't used to them and often either loses control, or is very easily fatiuged.


{Extra info}

His father has tried multiple times to reach out to him and apologize for what he did, but he refuses to maintain a connection with him.

He has a "dark side" named Hawk, who first showcased in the third comic.
(Possibly, I haven't yet decided where he will show up.
But just keep in mind that he is in fact canon to the story.)

He has a step mother named Dolly Ann, who he gets along with quite well.

He is in a relationship with BrightHeart, and is the father to FeatherHeart.

He used to have a girlfriend named Trisha when he was still in college, who he was only in a relationship with for a week.
But, he wasn't entirely with her.
She spread rumors that they were together only because she liked him.

He has Philophobia.

[Philophobia is the fear of going into a relationship, or loving someone.]

Falcon styles his hair like Malik's, (Firebolt), because of the whole, 'Falcon sees Malik as an older brother' thing.
Normally, Falcon's hair is naturally styled like his fathers.

He is right-handed.


{Personality and relations with others}

He is an outgoing kind indiviual. He cares for his friend's a little too much, if he thinks something's wrong he won't stop nagging you until you tell him.

He can be rude sometimes, he sort've picked that up from Firebolt, since Firebolt had become like an older brother toward him.

He looks up to Firebolt in a way even though Firebolt doesn't really acknowledge this he doesn't mind.

In the past he was pretty similar to how he is now.
Although he did have a tendency let people walk all over him, which is why he had not so many friends and got into a "relationship" with Trisha.

In the future, he eventually grew out of his timid shell and began letting his voice be heard.

But, he will still remain quiet when he thinks he needs to be.



{ The Neighborhood - Daddy Issues / Jesse Rutherford }

(Voiceclaim) Voice accuracy - ☆☆☆☆

(Song voiceclaim) Voice accuracy- ☆☆☆☆☆

(Depending on the amount of stars, (that being between 1-5), accuracy basically just means the rating of how well the voice is fit for the character, a lower rating usually means it's either missing an accent or a certain pitch.)

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