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Full name: Conroy Xane
[Pronounced - Kon-rr-oh-ee / Z-ain]

Full name in native language: Seonaroway Casaynayen
[Pronounced - See-oo-nare [like the 'nare' in 'snare'] - way]


Age: 323 (age of death, 86.)

Species: Hedgehog

Height: Body (8'2), ears (10 inch)

Ethnicity: MindWalker



Conroy grew up in the MindWalker village Silverkeep with his mother.
He doesn't remember nor, know his father, as his father was taken as a prisoner by the WHS and was supposedly executed.

When he was four, his mother brought Maura back to their home. He developed an instant bond with her, and taught her everything she needed to know about the MindWalkers and their language. He was her teacher of sorts.

During his childhood, he had became increasingly interested in becoming a healer, and he spent most of his time reading books about herbs and healing magic.
The healer for the village at the time took notice of his interest and later took him in as her apprentice when he was 7.

He was then taught later on how to properly use healing magic and herbs, as-well as their uses and how to perserve them.
He decided earlier from a young age that he wanted to become a healer when he grew up, but he was forced to push that all aside after the death of his mother when he was suddenly appointed leader.

His first act as the new overseer was to give the role of co-commander to his sister, Maura.
A month later after he and Maura were appointed, the WHS began attacking the MindWalkers again.

He was hesitant to attack them back as he believed they could end the war with peace, he tried for many months despite the WHS never once agreeing to end the war.
Not too long after, Maura started her rebellion leaving him with less, and less defenders for the village, as many of them sided with Maura.

Four years passed and there was still no sign of Maura.
He began a search for her, sending patrols and search parties into the surrounding area.

When he came across the ruins of the WHS' towns, he decided he needed to put an end to her rebellion.

He took in surviving WHS citizens and gave them places to stay, while the MindWalker's rebuilt their towns for them.
This resulted in a temporary alliance between the WHS and the MindWalkers.

So the leader of the WHS agreed to help Conroy find Maura in return for his kindness toward the WHS.

Soon enough, they found the AWH rebellion hideout.
He went in declaring he wanted peace, but Maura disagreed, when she saw the WHS leader with him, she proclaimed him to be a traitor and then declared war on them all.

After a few long months of war and fighting, he and the WHS were succsessful and managed to capture Maura and her people.
He thanked the WHS for their assistance before they set off to return to their towns.

He then decided the next day he would imprison Maura in the Star Sea.
After she was pushed in, he lived as the leader for many more years before he passed.

After he died, he took on leader of the Void MindWalkers.
When he arrived, they had no real leader.
Their society wasn't very orginized so he grounded rules and built them a fuctioning town, and in return the Void MindWalkers appointed him their leader for his hospitality.



Telekinesis and telepathy

His telekinesis powers are quite weak due to him never really using or practicing with it.
The most he can do with it is move objects, (not pick them up), and loosen and, or, tighten things.

The same goes for his telepathy, he cannot just read ones mind directly and rather can only grasp a vauge understanding of what they might be thinking.
He can read ones emotions better then their thoughts, which is mainly what he uses the ability for.


{Extra info}

Before Maura and the rebellion were captured, during a certain fight, Maura blinded him in both of his eyes.
Later when he died, he regained his vison.
(Because blindness and deaf etc, don't apply for the deceased.)

He speaks fluent Marikin, and much like the rest of his family he carries a thick accent as well.
But because of how old he is, his Marikin is very outdated and it is hard for other native speakers to understand him.

He is right-handed.


{Personality and relations with others}

He is wise, and kind hearted.
He is always looking to help others, even the enemy, which often can lead to lousy situations.

He can be one dimensional at times, and is often.
He cares for his sister very much, despite her hatred for him in the past.

He is very close to his people, and is always willing to listen to every single one of them if he can manage.
He is a great leader, but can get carried away in certain situations that involve war and danger.

You could say, he can get a little cowardly during war and fighting.
He prefers the outcome of peace instead of continuing to fight.
He will always try to persuade peace before war.

He has never been the kind to lead, as his strengths lie more in assisting others and teaching.
He struggled to be the strong leader his people needed at the time of conflict, as he could never honestly bring himself to start wars or fights with others.

As of now, he has finally found himself able to do what he had intended to do from a young age.
Although he is still a leader, he strives to bring himself to fight back against an enemy if necessary, no matter how hard it may be.



{ John Lee Hooker - Chill Out / Colter Wall - Sleeping On The Blacktop }

(Song voiceclaim 1.) Voice accuracy - ☆☆

(Song voiceclaim 2.) Voice accuracy - ☆☆☆

(Depending on the amount of stars, (that being between 1-5), accuracy basically just means the rating of how well the voice is fit for the character, a lower rating usually means it's either missing an accent or a certain pitch.)

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