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Full name: Sun Star
[Pronounced - S-un / St-arr]


Age: 90-100 (age of death, around 80.)

Species: Hedgehog

Height: Body (8'11), ears (14 inch)

Ethnicity: Russian



SunStar grew up outside of Mobius with his parent's EclipseStar (Clauw), And (Moon)Star.
He has three younger siblings, LunaStar, and StormStar.

(NOT NightStar's brother, there are two MoonStar's. But he goes by Moon.)

He and his siblings were close and did many things together.
His training was split between his mother and father, since they had to train both him and his siblings at once.

After he and his siblings got out of the Arena, they decided to band together as a villain trio.
They were successful and managed to take over a portion of the city.

After gaining their control, LunaStar decided that the best case scenario would be to split sections of the city between the three of them to control and have power over.

SunStar didn't agree with the idea, he decided he wanted the city for himself.
This caused a heated argument to take place between them all.

During the arguement, he attempted to hurt LunaStar, but StormStar stepped in to take the blow, which caused part of his ear to be torn off.

After the incident, he became fed up with his siblings for being "selfish" and left.
He then proceeded to cut off all communication with his family, and remained hidden where they could no longer find him.

He fled to the outskirts of Mobius, and for a few days he wandered through the sandy mountain ranges in search of a permanent place to stay.

He was soon found by a group of people who captured him for trespassing on their land.
He was taken to their leader, Ren Ito.

He begged to be allowed a place in their camp, since he had nowhere else to go.
Ren allowed SunStar to stay, under the condition that he would help assist the camp in their crimes, as they were a large 'clan' of villains.

Later on however, people had begun to obsess over, and follow in SunStar's footsteps.
He used his popularity to his advantage for power and control and began brainwashing the people who idolized him.

He became a famous inspiration to the people, and many began to follow his orders more then their original leaders.

SunStar also, around this time, began to catch an attraction towards the camps general, Hawk Spyro.
Fast forward a few years, and he began developing his own small group within the camps larger crowd.

He was soon able to overthrow Ren as-well as banishing Ren from the camp too.
Hawk chose to stay, despite wanting to leave with Ren instead.

Later, she began to believe, much like SunStar's followers, that he wasn't horrible and perhaps what he did was for a better cause.
They married and later on had their first born son NovaStar.

Before their youngest son, FoxStar was born, he and Hawk moved to a small house he had built for them not too far from their camp.
Hawk was mostly in charge of raising the two boys, since SunStar was always caught up in his camp duties.

After his passing, he let his sons decide who would take control.
Upon dying, SunStar was sent to the Void.

He took to the deep parts of the Void to avoid any of his family regconizing him, since he still held a grudge against them.



Red tinted dark magic, orb forming, Decay, and energy blasts.
'Energy blast' is the ability to release matter/energy on a specific target area.


{Extra info}

He has a faded Russian accent but it is still very prominent.
He can speak fluent Russian, but he chooses not to as often thus why his accent has faded over the years.

He has Ludophobia and Scopophobia.

[Ludophobia is the fear of losing a game.]

[Scopophobia is the fear of being stared at.]

He has a superiority complex.

He has a sensitive spot under his chin and likes to be scratched there, although he'd never admit to it and he refuses to let anyone else know since he finds it embarrassing.
He can purr pretty loudly too.

He doesn't possess a large/strong amount of Decay magic, hence why he is brown and not a black shade like his father and brother.

Hi favorite food is bananas, or just anything banana flavored in general.

He is right-handed.


{Personality and relations with others}

He is pretty much a brute.
He is a megalomaniac and very head-strong.

He doesn't like listening to others opinons, especially if they are putting down, or he feels, degrading the value of his own.
He is very narsissistic and cares mostly only for himself.

As of the future however, his personality hasn't really changed, but his view on relationships and people has.
He has learned to develop friendships and care for his family and his view on other's opinon's has changed slightly, he learns to accept other's opinon's no matter how futile he perceive them to be.



{ T-fest x Scriptonite - Lambada (remix) / конфетка - Marry Me Bellamy }

(Song voiceclaim 1.) Voice accuracy - ☆☆☆

(Song voiceclaim 2.) Voice accuracy - ☆☆☆☆

(Depending on the amount of stars, (that being between 1-5), accuracy basically just means the rating of how well the voice is fit for the character, a lower rating usually means it's either missing an accent or a certain pitch.)

V (He is the male part obviously.) V

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