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Full name: Arian Lancaster
[Pronounced - Air-ee-ann / L-ann-ca-st-err]


Age: 100+ (age of death, early 20s.)

Species: Hedgehog

Height: Body (9'8), ears (15 inch)

Ethnicity: English(British)/Irish/Japanese



Arian is an orphan, he never knew his parents true identities as they disappeared when he was still an infant.
He was born into a group named Children of the Count, [COTC for short,] when in reality it was a cult disguised as a tribe or society of sorts.

The COTC were very strict about their rules, and the loyalty of their members was one of the most important rules within the cult that was expected to be followed without debate.

He was raised collectively by the cults members, so he never truely had one guardian.
Although he did prefer some people over others, two of which was his aunt Bernadette and the cults leader, Leomund, or 'Count.'
He was never allowed to call Leomund his father or anything besides Count, but was on occasion allowed to call him 'sire' or 'gaurdian.'

He was raised between many people within the cult mainly because Leomund was busy most of the time.
Although he was seperated from Leomund most of the time, he still was very attached to him despite Leomund's efforts to prevent this bond from forming.

As he grew however, he began to doubt Leomund and his rules as he soon began to realize just how self-centered and cruel Leomund truely was.
He began to speak out against Leomund, forming a small underground rebellion of people who shared the same beliefs about Leomund as he.

One day, he decided he was going to try one last time to force Leomund to put an end to his dictatorship.
He spoke out against him as Leomund was in the middle of a speech in the town's monastery, which eventually led to a battle breaking out between the cult and Arian's rebellion.

They were outnumbered greatly, and many of the rebels either died, or ran off, leaving him the last one left and or, alive.
He was later captured, and a few days later he was executed by being impaled and dropped off of a cliff into a nearby river.

Upon his death, he was still very vengeful, and this is what led the Void Council to decide to banish him to the Static Forest.
After a few years of being stuck in the forest, he came upon the border to the Deep Void and eventually ventured far enough to the edge and found the Star Sea.

He fell in and froze, but while he was stuck in a coma he somehow managed to drift off and land on an island stuck in the middle of the Star Sea.
He was rescued by the islands inhabitants and they taught him how to control the frost, granting him new abilites.

He befriended the islands people and became good friends with the islands leader, Krista.
After a few more years passed, Krista gave up her authority and passed it onto Arian.



Red tinted dark magic, orb forming, and energy blasts.
'Energy blast' is the ability to release matter/energy on a specific target area.


{Extra info}

During his battle against the COTC, Leomund scarred his eye and mouth to symbolize Arian's blindness and refusal to listen to him.
As Leomund claimed him to be 'blinded' and 'corrupted' by his followers and own mind.

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