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Full name: Hubert Borde
[Pronounced - Hew-bert / BB-ow-DAY]


Age: Unknown (more then likely around 5,000 years or older.)

Species: Persian Cat

Height: Body (9'2) ears (9 inch)

Ethnicity: French



Hubert was born just outside of the Rochefort Empire.
His father and mother were apart of a group of sorcerers that, at the time, was quite small and very secluded and secretive.

The reason being, the Rochefort Empire banned magic since it was seen as a threat to the monarchy, so to avoid being caught, the sorcerer group migrated out into a small town just outside the kingdom and from there they lived on in anonymity and practiced magic without being persecuted for it.

He, alike his father and mother, was born powerless, so he had to go through the extra measures just to cast or use magic using books, special crystals, and potions.
His father was a potion brewer and created potions mainly for the purpose of healing the ill, his mother grew herbs and used them in a multitude of ways.

He took an intrest in both specialties, and both his parents were more then happy to teach him.
He studied both jobs for most of his childhood, spending his time outdoors practicing spells and going on long trips in the woods to search for plants with his mother.

The majority of his mortal life was carefree and peaceful, but around the time he had become a young adult he bore witness to the uprising of The Arcane Sanctuary and later the downfall of the Rochefort Empire.
He along with many others from the small town he grew up in joined in the rebellion against the monarchy, he also participated in helping to create the fatal earthquake that engulfed the majority of the towns surrounding the castle at the time to not only help aid the prisoners in their battle for freedom, but also as a personal payback at the kingdom for slaughtering and imprisoning their people in the past as-well.

After the war against the rulers, the sorcerers split off from the large group of prisoners that would later become The Arcane Sanctuary.
Upon returning back home to his village, he lived out the rest of his life peacefully and never really had much trouble after the war.

Upon his death, he chose to reside in the MindScape and later re-grouped with some of the people from his town, from there he also met Isis and her large following.
The two interacted quite a-lot and became close friends quickly, spending a large majority of their time together.

After be-friending her however, Hubert was subjected to the on-going conflictions between the Elders, as one side despised Isis and later Hubert and his people due to his relations to her and his abilities.
They believed that the ancient spirits were a personal threat to them and their control over the other spirits, and therefore should be removed so that a potential uprising couldn't occur, as they feared would happen.

Hubert fought alongside Isis and her army against the other Elders during a long war but inevitably they were forced to flee, Hubert was split apart from Isis during a mass sudden process when the other Elders began driving them all out without warning.
After they were driven out, many of the people that had stuck with Hubert delved into a panic and for awhile they remained like this before Hubert stepped in and took control.

He led his people out of the MindScape and back to the plains where the Rochefort Empire had been.
He and the others then began the process of building a new village hidden away in the 'Grands Arbres' (Tall Trees), near the base of the mountain range 'Pic du crépuscule' (Dusk Peak), also near enough to the 'Rivière des ossements' (River Of Bones), to use as their main source for water and herbs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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