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Full name: Dark Star
[Pronounced - D-ark / St-arr]



During comic's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, he is 18.

During the comic's 8, 9, and others after, he is 28.

Species: Hedgehog

Height: Body (8'6), ears (16 inch)

Ethnicity: Russian/Czechoslovakian/French



DarkStar grew up in a small house in the woods with his younger sister BlackStar and his parents NightStar, and ScarletStar. (Zero)
From the young age of four, DarkStar would go through training courses everyday for the next fourteen years of his life.

When he was sixteen, his father sent him and his sister to a nearby school as a training test for their abilities to blend in to the public.
He spent only a few weeks within the school before he was forced to leave to complete his training.

Around the time he was in school, he was bullied by the Wolf Pack because the leader thought he was hitting on Trisha, whom Jack, (the leader,) had a crush on at the time.
This led to DarkStar using his powers against them out of panic and injuring them all.

After the incident, his father soon found out about it and he set out to kill them for knowing of DarkStar's abilities.
Mainly because he feared they would be turned in had they snitched on them to the federals.
DarkStar however managed to persuade his father to let them live.

Three years later, DarkStar finished his training in time for the Arena.
He made it to the finals facing off against his younger sister.

She attacked him first, leading him to accidentally slice her left eye leaving her with a scar.

After he was congratulated and given his armor and mask, he ran off from the Arena swearing vengence on his father for forcing him to attack his sister.

He went on to find an abandoned castle and called it his home.

He later ventured to the mountainous desert, about a week or two walk from where he was.
When he got there, he met Heather Karnnan.
He asked for help to take over Mobius, she didn't agree at first, but was eventually persuaded to anyways.

He then began his villian reign for the next month before he was stopped by the others.



Red tinted Dark magic, orb forming, and energy blasts.
'Energy blast' is the ability to release matter/energy on a specific target area.

His eyes will glow accompanied by a red tinted mist when he is using them, as-well when he is scared or excited.

He also possesses an ability called Decay, in which basically he forms and orb which has a thicker look then the normal misty looking one. The wielder reaches forward guiding the magic toward something/someone and it will then surround them/it causing black swirls to appear on them/it and killing them.
The effect basically decay's or decomposes the entity/object until death.
But this is reversable with light magic or any kind of "good" or dark opposing magic.

Ability side effects:

Typically he will only ever become fatiuged, but if he were to go past his limit, it can start to take effect on his body.
Such as, over exhaustion that can last for days depending on how much he used and at what given amount of time, as-well as organ damage, especially when using the 'decay' ability.


{Extra info}

From the time he was four, he had dealt with nightmares of a white figure that would often torment him.
This figure was his uncle MoonStar, whom he hadn't known was his uncle until later on.
He would call MoonStar his dream demon for the time being until he found out who he really was.

He has a tendency to go into memory trances or zone out, mostly of traumatic events from his past.

He has Somniphobia as well as Anthropophobia.

[Somniphobia is the fear of sleeping.]

[Anthropophobia is the fear of people.]
(Not to he confused with a crowd phobia, typically people with this phobia can act out when there is only one person present in a place with them, but this also goes for any person for that matter.
It's a kind of social anxiety to put it simply.)

Due to the decay ability he appears black but he is actually albino, much like the rest of his family.
Upon losing his Decay power he would lose the pigmentation in his fur and would turn white, his eyes would also lighten up.

He is right-handed.


{Personality and relations with others}

He is not at all how he looks as most often might think, at first glance he can come across as a probable neurotic and rude because of his appearance although really DarkStar is a very caring person.

He loves his little sister and would, no doubt probably do anything for her.
For the most part he is stoic, but is very light hearted and likes to laugh when he can.

He shares similar perspectives, and a similar personality with his mother.
He is quite the opposite of his sister and father.

As a child he was quite estatic over the thought of being a villain and fighting for control over the city.
But his view changed much after his uncle got involved in his life, who changed his opinon on villainy and fighting as well as his father.

He was brought to believe everything he had been taught was wrong, even though now he can clearly see the difference between the good and bad of it all, he still holds onto the opinions MoonStar has drilled into him, as he was brainwashed from a young age afterall.

He does however hold onto one of his own beliefs, that it was right of him to break the cycle of villainy and abuse his family has suffered for many generations, as he and his sister are the last mortal Star's, his belief is that they were 'the first brave weak links to break the chain of suffering.'

Present day, he still doesn't favor fighting, unless it is necessary of course.
He still has negative views on villains and his opinon has become similar to his mothers views.
He doesn't often agree with his father and sister's positive view on villains, but he doesn't let that get inbetween him and his family's relationship.

He is hesitant to talk about his past and on occasion his mental state.
It can be a touchy subject for him, and he doesn't like to reveal too much fearing those he cares for will retort from him for knowing the truth.



{ Conner from Detroit Become Human / Interlude IV (Showtime) }

(Voiceclaim) Voice accuracy - ☆☆☆☆

(Song voiceclaim) Voice accuracy - ☆☆☆

(Depending on the amount of stars, (that being between 1-5), accuracy basically just means the rating of how well the voice is fit for the character, a lower rating usually means it's either missing an accent or a certain pitch.)

[ He is the male part of this. v ]

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