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Full name: Thea Chriselda, Wolfsohn
[Pronounced - Thee-ah / Krr-ess-ell-daa / Wull-ff-ss-on]


Age: 60+

Species: Rabbit/Hare

Height: Body (7'2), ears (32 inch)

Ethnicity: German



Thea grew up between her three brothers and her parents in a small house located near Mobius.
Thea was the most daring of her siblings, always trying stupid things and usually getting hurt.

She was always tagging along behind her mother as she fufilled her duties in a small group of villians she and Thea's father were apart named Rōgu, (The Rouges.)
Thea wasn't just trained by her parents to be a villian, her parents close friends trained her while they were absent doing duties for the group.

As Thea grew older, her confidence caught attention of the leader Zackery Nichmond.
He took her as his apprentice and she assisted him in his crimes, gaining a higher reputation.

When Thea was 19 she grew tired of just being a sidekick for the leader, she confessed a fake love for him and they got married.
She became the general and finally felt she had fufilled her hunger for power.

At some point, a few years into the future her husband discovered she had lied about her love for him.
They got into an arguement turned fight and she killed him in cold blood.

After his death she was caught and was excuted for treason and the murder of the leader.

After her death, she searched for her husband and attempted to kill him a second time blaming him for her death.
The Void Council found out about this and locked her away in the Static Forest.

As the years went by, she grew more spiteful toward her husband and the council.
She began gaining a reputation in the forest for her daring and brooding persona.



She possesses telekinesis.
She can pick objects and entities up using her thoughts and hands.


{Extra info}

She got her scarred and blinded eye after her husband struck her during their fight.

She is of german decendant, and has a small accent that she picked up from her parents, she cannot speak it however.

Thea has Androphobia and Atelophobia.

[Androphobia is the fear of men.]

[Atelophobia is the fear of imperfection.]

Her nose and tail will twitch when she is embarrassed or nervous.

She is right-handed.


{Personality and relations with others}

Thea is an overly self indulgent indiviual.
She cares little for others and will use anyone.
She doesn't believe in relationships, which is why she doesn't feel shame for using people.

She may appear rude and annoyingly confident, but she has many flaws revolving a never ending feeling of imperfection and powerless-ness.
She does care for people, only for few however those being her family mostly.

She is extremely stubborn as well, she will always try and avoid any kind of punishment or blame set onto her.
She is always willing to take the 'cowards' way out of a situation only if it means she won't get in trouble or punished.



{ Wanda Vision - Agatha All Along }
(You might have to click on the YouTube thing at the bottom to see the video, because it doesn't load here for some reason.)

(Song voiceclaim) Voice accuracy - ☆☆☆☆☆

(Depending on the amount of stars, (that being between 1-5), accuracy basically just means the rating of how well the voice is fit for the character, a lower rating usually means it's either missing an accent or a certain pitch.)

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