-an illusion of hope-

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Y/N, don't leave...", his voice was rough, like sandpaper. She quickly spun around on her heels to see the sickly ginger boy sitting up in his bed.

"Ron... you're alright," she gave him a slight smile, feeling relieved.

"Well, of course, I'm alright. But what the bloody hell was that all about?", he questioned.

"You...uh...you heard that?", she gave a sort of an awkward expression.

"Only what you just said, about leaving. I mean I know we were together but just because I love Lavender now doesn't mean we can't still be best friends, Y/N. Like old times," he offered a smile and his words only seemed to hurt her more. She felt so beyond hurt at that point and could only muster a small smile back.

"Yeah, of course. You're right," she chuckled, noticeably tired, "I better get going right now though, I'll visit later," she sniffled and turned around to walk out, trying to hold her tears in until she got to the door. The click of her shoes against the stone floors echoed through the walls of the Hospital Wing, but that noise was quickly drowned out by the intense beating of her heart ringing through her ears.

She tried to keep her vision clear, she didn't want to cry in the halls, she didn't want to cry in front of everyone, she didn't want to cry at all. She felt a burn in her chest that could only be cured with the loudest of screams, but she wouldn't do that. She was too strong. Y/N hadn't noticed that her path down the corridor wasn't clear, but it was too late for her to look up when she had run into the person she had least expected to see.


"Oh..uh- Th-Theo I'm so s-sorry for bumping into you I was just...just heading back to the common room," she was tripping over her words.

"Y/N! I was just looking for you! You left in such a rush so I wanted to make sure everything was okay. I'm happy to walk you back to our common room if you'd like," Theo offered her a sweet smile that made her feel like he genuinely cared.

"Sure, that'd be nice. Uh- not having to go alone," Y/N wasn't sure why she felt so awkward around Theo. Probably because he was always so nice to her and she sort of brushed him off, she had noticed that she was nicer to her than he was to anyone else but Y/N figured it was just because they were in the same house.

"You alright, Y/N?", he asked as they started their walk to the dungeons. "You seem a bit on edge, is everything okay?"

"Just...stuff with Ron, I'll explain when we get back."


When the two of them got back to the common room they sat on the sofa facing the fire.

"So, Y/N, do you want to talk about what's bothering you? As your friend, I hate seeing you like this. I mean, I know I'm not Draco but you can still talk to me, I'm here for you," he offered her a faint smile

"Well, earlier, when the twins had told me Ronald was in the hospital wing I freaked out because- I-I still love him," a few tears fell as she began to speak, "Even though he hurt me I still love him, so I was scared, a-and that's why I rushed off so fast, and when I-I got there Madam Pomfrey said that he had basically been poisoned by multiple doses of A-Amortentia and she asked if I had any idea of who did it and I thought it might have been Lavender but when he woke up, he said that h-he loved her, right to my face. So now I'm starting to think like- what if it really wasn't amortentia and that's truly just how he feels? H-How am I supposed to just forget everything we had?" she had sent herself into a full blow panic now and could barely breathe, "I-I just don't know how it all fell apart in just one day," she sobbed, resting her hands on her lap to keep her from rubbing her face.

"Y/N...I'm so sorry this is happening to you, you don't deserve that at all," he wasn't sure how to comfort her and he put his hand over hers. Her breathing called and the tears stopped as she tried to recollect herself.

"It's alright, it's not your fault. I think I'm just going to go to bed, but thank you for being there," she offered him a small smile and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, "You're a good friend, Theo," she sniffled and stood up, making her way to the girls dormitories. She opened the door and made her way to her bed, plopping down on the green comforter, she let out a soft sigh, looking to the small picture frame on her nightstand. It was a moving picture of her, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Draco, and Hermione all at the Yule Ball, everyone looked so happy and Y/N reminisced on a happier time. She picked up the picture frame and opened her drawer, gently placing the photo face down and shutting the drawer. She stood up once more to undress and change into her pajamas. After sliding into bed for the last time that evening, she stared at the ceiling, left alone with only her thoughts.

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