-the hogwarts express-

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-Your POV-

About halfway through the train ride to the school, I decided to spend a little time with my other friends in a separate compartment. Since the train ride is about eight hours from London to Hogwarts, I spent about 4 hours catching up with Draco about the summer and we discussed things we're looking forward to for the school year. After catching up with Draco I changed into my robes and made my way to another compartment where Ron, Hermione, and Harry were sitting.

I lightly knocked on the door and I saw Hermione's face light up and she smiled and opened the door.

"Y/N! We've missed you! We haven't heard from you all summer." Hermione spoke with a concerned tone and then went in for a hug. I greeted Harry and Ron as well.

However...something seemed a little off with my brain at that time because when I said hello to Ron and he smiled at me I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat, which was odd...because that's Ron. Just Ron Weasley, my other best friend. We haven't been friends quite as long as me and Draco since we met the first day of first year but we were just as close. This interaction was just weird but I tried to brush it off. I sat next to Ron since Hermione was discussing a book with Harry, Ron and I talked about our summers and how excited we were for the quidditch games.

I toyed with the hems of my robes while we spoke.

"Y'know...I've been thinking about trying out for the quidditch team this year, Draco has been bugging me about it since second year. What do you think, Ron?" I asked him, I secretly hoped for his approval because if I did make it on the team, I'd be rivaling against him.

"I think that's a brilliant idea, Y/N! I'm sure you'll be a great addition to the Slytherin team, I mean they need all the luck they can get this year. Right, Harry? Especially with Ginny and Harry as our captains."

Harry looked up from the book Hermione was holding and nodded. "I think it's a great idea Y/N, the Slytherin team needs more girls." Harry smiled.

I smiled back and nodded. "Yes, I suppose you're right." I paused "Well then it's settled, I'll try out!"

After that short conversation, the commotion seemed to die down and at one point I must have dozed off because I don't remember anything that happened for the rest of the ride except arriving at Hogwarts and being woken up by shoulder being gently shaken by Ron.

"C'mon Y/N, we're here!" He offered me his hand to help me up and then ran off to meet with the others. Draco was waiting outside the compartment for me with a smirk plastered across his face. I looked at him puzzled. We got off the train and started talking.

"What...?" I questioned him, genuinely confused.

"So you and Weaselbee, eh? Never thought that would happen." He chuckled and I swear my face turned a bright shade of red.

"Merlins beard Draco, no, he's just a friend." I awkwardly laughed it off.

He slowly nodded, still smirking. "Suuuure, just like me and Hermione are just friends." As soon as he said that his eyes widened and he too turned red.

I turned to him and I grinned. "....What!?"

"Pretend I didn't say that, you heard nothing," he mumbled

I giggled and we continued walking until we got to the carriages and we got in and they hauled us off to the castle.

This was going to be a good year.

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