-the snake and the lion-

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-Your POV-

The next morning at breakfast was mail day. I had decided against sitting with the Golden Trio this morning since Narcissa would usually send a letter to Draco that included a little note for me. Draco and I had walked to breakfast together and I met up with Pansy. Pansy and Draco had sort of a love-hate relationship which could be entertaining at times but it could also get pretty intense between the two of them, especially when it came to Pansy talking about Hermione.

We had all sat down in our little group. It was me, Draco, Pansy, Theo, Blaise, and Adrian. Soon enough the owls came flying in and dropped small packages and letters. Draco, like always, received an envelope from his mother. I usually don't get mail anymore because of what happened with my parents but on this particular morning, a thick envelope was dropped onto the table in front of me by an owl I didn't recognize. I suppose I didn't really think much of it because I tore into it without bothering to read the address. A bundle of folded papers fell from the envelope and I untied the twine around them, picking one up, unfolding it, and scanning over the contents.

 A bundle of folded papers fell from the envelope and I untied the twine around them, picking one up, unfolding it, and scanning over the contents

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I kept reading it over and over again searching for answers but none seemed to come to my mind. I looked to the Gryffindor table and saw Lavender practically drooling over Ron. I could feel more anger than I could sadness. I turned the envelope over to see that it was sent by Daphne Greengrass. I scoffed and looked over the table at her.

"Greengrass!", I shouted and Draco jumped. Daphne looked at the envelope in my hand and gave me a solemn look. 

"Yes?" she questioned.

"What the fuck are these?  Why would you send them to me? Don't you hate me?", I questioned, tears threatening to spill. I knew I was making a scene because the entirety of the Slytherin table was staring at me, and now all of the tables had at least a few people staring. 

"I don't hate you, I just don't like you. Besides, just because I don't like you doesn't mean you're not one of my housemates. I think you deserve to know what's been going on behind your back, Y/N," she spoke. My bottom lip quivered.

"How did you get them?", I asked. She shrugged and then spoke.

"Lavender's bag was open and I had a suspicion so we did a bit of pick-pocketing," she smirked, "At least you know now," she sat back down and continued talking to her friends and I turned to look at the Gryffindor table once more to see Hermione looking very sick. I looked a little bit to the left and saw Ron with his arm around Lavender. 

So this was it? This is how he was going to end it? Fine then.

I snatched up the other letter without even reading them and I turned over to the Gryffindor table, I stood behind Ron for a second before giving him a quick smack to the back of the head. He quickly turned around.

"Y/N, what the bloody hell was that fo-," he began but I cut him off before he could finish.

"You fucking manchild!", I yelled. At this point, I didn't care if the entire castle could hear me, he looked absolutely mortified and I threw the letters at him without a second thought and I stormed off. I was barely even able to see. I ended up running out of the Great Hall and I kept running until I physically couldn't anymore. I heard footsteps running after me and I figured it was Ron so I just ignored it. I sat down on a ledge in the corridor facing the courtyard and I buried my head in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched and turned around, to my surprise, it wasn't Ron.

"Theo?", I questioned, confused. We weren't really close. He was one of Draco's best friends though.

"Hey Y/N, I'm really sorry about what happened in there that's so awful that he would do that to you," he frowned and sat next to me. I nodded, shrugging.

"I guess good things don't last forever, right?", I joked and he nodded.

"You know Draco is in there either beating the shit out of him or their dueling. The last thing I saw before I went after you was Draco walking very angrily toward him," he chucked and I gave him a slight smile, wiping my eyes even though the tears weren't stopping.

"He's always been very protective of me, even when we were kids. He's a good friend," I nodded and Theo nodded as well.

"He is a pretty good friend...," he trailed off. I nodded, staring at the grass and kicking at it with the toe of my shoe.

"I don't think I can go to classes today. I'm gonna spend the whole day thinking about why I wasn't good enough for him," I let out a chuckle as I continued to cry.

"Hey, hey, you were way more than good enough for him. In fact, you were too good for him. He didn't deserve you," Theo spoke softly and his words made me cry even more. He held out his arms for me and I hugged him, sobbing against his shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Y/N. I'll walk you back to your dorm. You should just take a day to relax. I'll let Professor Snape know, you're a good student I'm sure you'll be excused."


-Draco's POV- 

It had been a few days since the whole Y/N and Ron fiasco. I was still being watched by Snape since the Slytherin house took a 75 point loss. "Why?" you may ask? Well, because I beat the everliving shit out of Weaselbee. I mean I highly doubt he thought he was going to be able to get away with cheating on my best friend. He should have seen it coming. I tried to explain that to Professor Snape but I still 'assaulted' a student or whatever. I'm pretty sure I only got in trouble because he's friends with Potter.

Whatever, that git got what he deserved.

Anyway, something seems real dodgy about this situation. Hermione and I have been trying to come up with an explanation. She thinks it's Amortentia which could very well be the case. There's no way someone like Ron could have the mental capacity to cheat on Y/N. I mean I saw the way he looked at her. He followed her like a dog and looked at her like she was the only girl he had ever seen. My gut is telling me Daphne has something to do with it but we can't be too sure yet. But we'll definitely find out sooner or later.

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