-power over love-

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Third Person POV:

"How did he find out?", Y/N questioned, quickly standing up from the bed. Draco was distraught, his face was stained with tears, his hair was messy, probably from him running his hands through it.

"I-I don't know, I was in my dorm and there was a letter on my pillow, so I opened it..," he sighed, his breath shaky, "They said I had to stop seeing her and...they said other things," Draco handed the letter to Y/N. "Professor Snape also told me my father is coming to visit soon..,"

Y/N's head shot up after reading the contents of the letter.

"Oh my god," her eyes scanned over the piece of parchment a couple more times. 

"This seems a bit private..," Ron commented, an awkward smile plastered upon his face. Y/N turned back to him.

"I'll be back in a bit to bring you something to eat," she smiled at him and he nodded.

"Go help Draco," Ron urged and Y/N and Draco left the Hospital Wing. 

As the two of them walked down the corridor, Y/N noticed that Draco was breathing was very shaky, like he was crying. Y/N turned to him, "Draco...it's going to be okay, but...you have to tell Dumbledore about the dark mark, he can help you, I'm positive he can," she spoke with a sigh. Draco turned to her, sort of aggressively.

"No, he can't! If I even think about telling him...I don't- I don't know what the Dark Lord will do. You know, when I went home? He was there. In my own home! Do you have any idea how that feels, Y/N!?", he shouted, his voice bouncing off the stone in the corridor, he was breathing heavily and he wiped the tears from his face. 

"No...I don't but-," she began.

"You can't fix everything Y/N. Just because you fixed your relationship doesn't mean you can fix my life," he spat.

"Draco...clearly this is affecting you. I'm not saying that I can fix it but I can at least help you."

"Y/N, I don't want you getting involved."

"And why not? Why won't you just let me help you?!" Y/N shouted.

"Because he wants you, too," he spoke. 

She felt like her heart dropped and as though she had a little bit of trouble keeping down her lunch from earlier. Y/N? What would the Dark Lord want with Y/N? 

"B-but what could he possibly want with me?" she asked, clearly afraid of the answer.

"Your parents want you back in the family, Y/N. My mother told me...but they won't let you come home unless you take the mark, I-... I can't let you get involved. I can't let Hermione get involved either. It's power over love at this point and I'm fairly certain our parents will stop at nothing until they're successful, Y/N," his breath was shaky and his bottom lip quivered. 

"How long do you have before you have to...get the mark?"

"The rest of this year, I-I'm supposed to get it this summer," he sighed. They heard someone swiftly coming towards them, the clack of their shoes on the cobblestone ground alerted us of their presence.

"Mr.Malfoy," the voice, which one could only recognize as Professor Snape, spoke.

"Yes, Professor?"

"You need to come with me," he warned. Draco let out a sigh and Snape turned dramatically to walk away. Draco gave Y/N a knowing look and followed behind the professor, his shoulders were hanging low and he didn't have that usual egotistical walk. I crossed my arms as I stood in the corridor. Trying to think of something, ANYTHING, but there was nothing. Nothing I could do. 

I knew exactly who I needed to tell. 

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