-as long as i have you-

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-Your POV-

  Ron and I had snuck out to the grassy field near the black lake the night of our first day back. He said he wanted to start our 5th year right. Considering there was already a rocky start since Harry had almost been expelled, he wanted to do something fun. I honestly had no idea what was happening I just know one second I had fallen asleep in the Slytherin common room, and the next second, I was being ushered out of the common room by Draco.  I stepped through the stone passage that concealed our common room and I was met with a very excited looking Ron. He gave me that adorable, goofy, little half-smile he always does and I smiled back.

"Ron, what's going on?", I asked, smiling at him. He was wearing the red initialed sweater his mum had knit him in his first year.

"Just trust me, Y/N," he held out his hand and I let out a chuckle before placing my hand in his. He had an unfolded piece of parchment in his opposite hand, as well as his wand. 

We walked down the corridors and he kept checking the parchment as if it was giving him directions. I decided not to ask and I just followed where he led. We had eventually made our way out of the castle and as we ran to wherever he was taking me I couldn't hold in my laughs. After running for a good few minutes we reached an area where the moonlight seemed to hit just right and I looked down to see a knitted blanket lying on the grass. Ron looked at me and smiled.

"I thought we could spend some time under the stars," he said, still smiling. With a smile, I brought him in for a hug. I pulled away.

"What's this for?", I questioned.

"I dunno...just 'cause," he chuckled and I couldn't help but smile again. I sat down on the blanket and he laid down next to me as I gazed at the stars twinkling in the sky. There was a nice moment of silence before he grabbed my hand. I looked down at him.

"Y/N...are you scared?", he queried and I gave him a bit of a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?", I responded.

"I mean...about he who must not be named. I mean...Harry hasn't been the same since the end of the Tri-Wizard Tournament and-I...I'm just worried about what's going to happen," he had stopped looking at me halfway through and he was looking at the stars instead. I let go of his hand and laid down, cuddling up next to him, he put his arm around me and I put my arm over his chest, my head resting against him.

"I'm worried too, Ron. I think we just need to enjoy what we have while we have it..," I said, making my voice a little quieter. I felt him trace little circles on my back, over my sweater and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Things will be okay eventually..," I tried to be reassuring but even I didn't believe things would magically just be okay.

"Yeah...they will be okay...as long as I have you," I could hear him smile through his words and I smiled to myself.

"That's so cliché, Ron," I laughed and looked up at him, "Cliché but...also just what I needed to hear..," he tightened his arm around me and I felt safe.

 "I love you, Y/N...so much. Please don't forget that.", he spoke in a much more hushed tone now.

"I love you too, Ron...so much."

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Word Count: 615

A/N: (Super short chapter today just to kick off the second part! This book is going to start following the actual book storyline now since we've transitioned to 5th year.)

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