-girls who talk-

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-Your POV-

It had been a few weeks since Ron and I's little midnight rendevous. Classes are going okay if you could say that. I've gotten in trouble with the new professor for defending Harry in Defense Against the Dark Arts at least twice...and it's so uncalled for. I mean...the other day we were in class, and Harry made a really good point about how we needed to be learning actual spells so that we could actually defend ourselves, and this new "professor", if you could call her that, claimed that Voldemort wasn't back-but he is. Harry literally watched him kill Cedric...how could they say that Voldemort wasn't back? 

"Dracoooooo," I groaned, dragging out the 'o', I was practically hanging off the side of the couch in the common room when he looked up from the table. I assume he was writing a letter.

"What?", he asked, looking rather annoyed.

"I dunno, I'm bored," I laughed.

"Okay well, leave me alone I'm writing a letter to 'Mione," he said, returning his gaze to his parchment.

"Oooh, what kind of letter?", she asked and he glared at her, "Actually, nevermind, I don't want to know," I stared at the fireplace and tried to count the little bricks that lined it.  I heard the faint click of heels, probably a Slytherin girl still in uniform. I sat up on the couch to see who it was and saw that it was none other than Miss Pansy Parkinson. I wouldn't say we were the best of friends but we definitely talked a lot. She didn't exactly approve of the whole me dating Ron thing but you know that's my choice.

"Y/N, the girls in our dorm are talking about you," Pansy groaned.

"Whatever, let them talk. It can't be that bad," I replied and Pansy shot me a look that scared me a bit.

"Just- come with me. It's bad," she reassured. I got up and she led me up to our dorm and opened the door. The three girls sitting on the floor all went silent as their heads shot toward the door, the girl furthest to the left let out a little giggle and her friend glared at her. 

"Oh...hey, Y/N," the one on the left tried to keep herself from laughing but she ended up letting out an ugly little snort. Merlins beard, they were annoying. I gave them a fake smile, responding with a:


"We were just uhm..." the girl sitting on the left, Tracey Davis,  trailed off, "Uh- we were talking about who we think uhm...who we think would get knocked up by an um...," I could tell she was improvising her words, "uh-who we think would be the first Weasley twin to knock up a girl," she let out a laugh and I made a face of disgust, as did Pansy.

"That's vile-", Pansy started, but the girl sitting on the right, Millicent Bulstrode, cut her off.

"Oh shut it, pug face Parkinson," she barked.

"Watch it, Bulstrode..," I warned her and she scoffed. The girl in the middle, little miss popular, Daphne Greengrass,  stood up. 

"Oh, would you give it a rest, Y/LN? You've proved you have no respect for this house so why should we respect you or your friends. I mean come on, you're dating a Gryffindor...a Weasley for that matter. You should honestly be disgusted with yourself, we've already lost Malfoy to that little mudblood Granger-," Daphne boasted but cut herself off when I started coming toward her.

"Can't you come up with a new insult instead of preying on someone's blood status? It's not like they chose to be muggle-born. And besides, I reckon Hermione is smarter than all three of you...combined," I scoffed and I hear Pansy chuckle. I shot the three girls a dirty look and me and Pansy went back to the common room.

-Ron's POV-

I was sitting in my bed and Harry and Neville were sitting on their own. We were all finishing up our leftover sweets from the train ride to school except Harry was mostly blabbering on about how much he hated the new professor. Y/N and I like to call her Professor Umbitch, that's our little thing. I smile to myself just thinking about Y/N. I mean- things have been going pretty good between us. I mean, I like to take her on dates on the weekends we go to Hogsmeade but this new professor is not too keen on the idea of letting us leave the castle. I mean- you'd think with the way she's acting, we'd have dementors rounding the school or something. 

Professor Umbitch has been nagging the other professors-and the Headmaster as well. I dunno...something about her sickly sweet pink ensemble makes me really uneasy. I guess I don't trust her. I remember Harry saying that she was at his trial- and she wasn't exactly the nicest to him. Something about that woman seems off, I mean-even Hermione sees it and she trusts all of our professors. I reckon Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape aren't very fond of her either. Neville and I were making comments about how the two of them kept shooting Umbridge dirty looks from across the professors' table. I really wished I had been paying attention to Harry and Neville's conversation because out of the blue, while I was lost in my own thoughts, Harry spoke to me.

"Well then Ron, what do you think of that?", he asked and I shrugged.

"Think of what?", I replied.

"Of course you weren't listening-uh-nevermind," Harry scoffed. He seemed annoyed because he talked to me with that sassy little attitude he has towards Malfoy. Harry, Harry, Harry...always so sassy.

-3rd Person POV-

Daphne strutted down the corridors, wand and a stack of letters in hand. Millicent and Tracey were following quickly behind her, they were headed to the highest room of the west tower. Tracey and Millicent were throwing giggle fits as they trailed behind Daphne. They were almost like dogs following their owners. It was...laughable. They had made their way up the tower and reached the owlery. Daphne sifted through the letter, making sure that they were sealed and addressed. There must have been at least 12 different letters, 3 sealed in each house color; red, green, yellow, and blue. Daphne smirked to herself and left the letters to be delivered at breakfast the next morning. She turned to face Milicent and Tracey.

"Well...Daphne- are they ready?", Tracey whined. Daphne gave them both a snide grin and walked past them, a new sway to her hips.

"Oh Trace, none of them could ever be ready for this," she let out a little chuckle, once again throwing the other two girls into a fit of ear-piercing giggles.

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