-still love-

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-Your POV-

"Draco, you give me my wand, right now!" I watched as Hermione chased after Draco on the field. He had slipped her wand out of her pocket when she wasn't looking and now they were running around and laughing. They were so perfect together. Then again...I thought me and Ron were perfect together but I guess sometimes the things we think aren't always right. Oi, I shouldn't think so negatively.

I watched them for a few more minutes before burying my nose in my book once more. I had very rarely seen Brown and Weasley together anymore, not that I paid any attention to them of course. I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts and continued to read the book. I had been sitting there for a solid 5 minutes before I was interrupted by a pair of hands on my shoulders from behind me.

"Hey Y/N, what are you up to?", I heard that voice and instantly recognized them as Theo.

"Hey, Theo," I gave him a faint smile, "I'm just here with 'Mione and Draco," he sat next to me and I placed a ribbon between the pages and closed my book, setting it on my lap. He nodded.

"Odd couple are they not?", he chuckled and I nodded.

"I suppose they are," I smiled and noticed two heads of flaming red hair running in my direction. I furrowed my brows, confused as to why Fred and George were still at school on a Saturday. 

"Y/N, Y/N!!", they yelled and I stood up as they got closer, "You've got to come with us! Ron's in the hospital wing," they said in a panic and my eyes widened. He may have broken my heart but I still loved him. Whether I was okay with that or not, it was the truth. The twins took no time to explain before grabbing my hand and running toward the castle. Leaving Theo in the dust. 

They had made their way back into the castle and quickly found their way to the hospital wing. 

"Madam Pomfrey is he alright!?" I shouted, terrified. The twins had told me nothing. She nodded and I was able to catch my breath

"Yes, Miss Y/LN. He's in stable condition but he still hasn't woken up. If Miss Brown hadn't brought him in when she did, he would have ended up in St. Mungos," I nodded.

"So...what happened?", I asked.

"He had somewhat of an overdose...on Amortentia. His body has taken in so much it's practically poisoned him. This could have been an extremely fatal situation, Miss Y/LN. Do you know anyone who could have done this to him?", Madam Pomfrey asked, a concerned expression across her face. I glanced over at Ron who was sleeping in the hospital bed and I noticed Lavender looking very nervous. I shot her sort of disapproving look and then I turned my attention back to Madam Pomfrey. 

"I think I have somewhat of an idea...but please give me a day or two to be sure, Madam Pomfrey," I said, with a sigh.

"Oh. Well, thank you, dear. I'll be getting out of your hair so you can check on Mr.Weasley," she gave a slight nod and walked off to help a Hufflepuff boy a few beds down. Lavender looked up at me and I awkwardly walked over to the two of them. George walked over with me and Fred was waiting at the door for someone. I noticed Ron's breathing was a little labored and my heart felt heavy. I felt like...it was somehow my fault? Lavender glared at George and he spoke very quickly in retaliation.

"Would you mind buggering off, Brown?", he sneered. She huffed and got up, aggressively brushing off her shirt and leaving the hospital wing. "I really cannot stand that witch," he chuckled and went to sit next to Ron. Right as he sat down Fred called for him.

"Hey Georgie, Kaylie's here," George smiled and excused himself.

"Oh, I'll be back, Y/N. Maybe if you talk to ickle little Ronnikins, he'll wake up," he let out a laugh and went to greet Kaylie at the door to the hospital wing. I gave him a half-smile and walked over to take his spot where he was sitting next to Ron. He didn't seem to be breathing as heavily but it still hurt to see him in this state. Merlin, how did I allow myself to fall this hard from him? I let out a soft sigh and carefully put his hand in mine. I tried to push my emotions away since you know, he was literally lying in a hospital bed- but I couldn't. There was no way that I could look at him and say that I wasn't still madly in love with him. No matter what I told myself, and no matter what anyone else thought. I felt a few tears fall and from there I had felt more broken than I did before.

"Ronnie, I really wish none of this happened. I know you can't hear me but I wish we could have figured this out, I wish I would have known that you'd been drugged. Everything would have been fine but of course, I assumed the worst and now everything is ruined. I ruined it, we're ruined. But I just want you to know that...I..I am s-so sorry, Ron. And I want you to know that I love you. I do, I really, really, do and I wish that I didn't so that you could be happy with Lavender without me constantly burdening you but I can't help it. I love you, I love everything about you, I love your smile, your hair, your eyes, those dumb sweaters you wear.  I love every little freckle on your face. But none of that matters now, and I have to accept that. I guess...I just want to say that I'm sorry and I'll leave you be, it's like that muggle saying of how if you love someone you need to let them go, so...I guess this is me letting you go. Even if you can't hear me," I sniffled and tried to wipe away my tears. I leaned over the bedside and planted a quick kiss on his forehead before fully standing up. I turned away to walk off but right before I did, I heard something that made me stop in my tracks,

"Y/N, don't leave..."

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