-cranberry scones on a monday morning-

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Your POV:

"Theo, I swear to Merlin, if you don't stop I will not hesitate to hex you into the next dimension," Pansy snapped at him. I let out a little chuckle.

"Oi, sorry, sorry!," he turned to me, "Y/N, kiss, marry, kill, me, Draco, and Blaise," he smirked.

"Theo why must you play such annoying games at breakfast?",  I asked.

"Ah, just answer," he huffed.

"Fine, fine. Okay, kill Blaise, kiss you, and marry Draco," I shrugged.

"MARRY DRACO?", he yelled and the whole Slytherin table turned to glare at him, "Uh- sorry, but, really? You'd marry into the Malfoy family?", he had sort of a grimace on his face.

"Well considering we've been best friends for like...ever, I don't think it would be that bad, and I definitely would NOT marry you," I chuckled and stood up, "I'm gonna get to class, I failed my transfiguration exam the other day and McGonagall wants to talk to me," I grabbed my book bag and left the Great Hall. It had been just a couple of long weeks since the Hospital Wing incident. Thoughts of what I wished had happened constantly plagued my mind, I made my way down the corridor, I heard a shrill giggle which I could only recognize as Miss Lavender Brown and the soft chuckle of the boy who I used to hold in my arms on chilly February mornings. I rounded the corner, only to see Lavender giving Ron some sort of pastry.

"Here Won Won, they're cranberry, your favorite," she smiled at him and he took the pastry, eyeing it and about to eat it.

Wait- Ron hates cranberries. Molly always makes him special cranberry-free scones when she makes her cranberry orange ones.

"Ron wait!", I shouted without realizing it, my eyes widened and I walked up to the two of them. I looked to Lavender, "Those look...amazing Lav, can I have one?", I had such a bad feeling about those pastries, that's why I asked.

"Oh...um there's uh only one...sorry," she said.

"Oh, that's fine! Ron can just split his with me, right Ron? I mean we are still best friends," I said, I had no idea why I was acting like this but it just happened so naturally.

"Oh yeah sure Y/N," Ron smiled and broke the scone in half, holding out the piece to me.

"Ron, no do not give it to her!" she whined, "I made those for you, not her!", she frowned.

Right as that happened, Fred and his girlfriend, Taylor, had walked by, "Oi how's my little brother doing?" he came up and snatched the other half out of Ron's hand and examining it, "These have cranberries in them, I thought you hated cranberries," he made an odd face and Taylor looked at the scone as well.

"Those look a bit odd, Lavender," she squinted at it, "Lemme see it, Freddie," he gave it to her and she took a little sniff, "Sweet Merlin, these are laced," my eyes widened and Lavender turned a bright shade of red. 

"Laced with what?", Fred asked.

"Smells like Amortentia..," Taylor said, a concerned look plastered upon her face.

"Oh my god, that's why you didn't want him to share it with me!", I shouted, turning to Lavender. Poor Ron sat there looking dazed and confused.

"You have no proof, you're only going to listen to that girl because she's in your house!", Lavender cried.

"Ron, smell it- just trust me," Taylor said. Ron brought the scone up to his nose and inhaled deeply, a small smile forming on his face. 

"What do you smell?", Fred asked.

"Home, vanilla, cinnamon, grass, and caramel," Ron said as he smiled.

"Won Won! I smell like violets and citrus! What are you talking about!?", she shrieked.

I stared at him in awe, he used to tell me I smelled of vanilla and cinnamon, and every time I was at the burrow he'd burn a caramel scented candle. I felt a pang in my heart and I was quickly pulled out of my daydream.

"Y/N, take him to the hospital wing, me and Taylor will go get Professor Snape," Fred said.

"Snape?", Taylor asked.

"He's a potions master, and head of Slytherin, he hates Gryffindors, therefore she'll get in the trouble she deserves, there will be no Gryffindor favoritism at play here. Not after what she did to my little brother," he frowned and they both walked away.

I gently grabbed Ron's arm, "Let's go," I turned to Lavender, "Don't follow us," I spat, disgusted with her.

"He won't love you, I hope you know that, even after there's no more Amortentia left in his system. He might date you out of pity but I know for a fact you aren't who he smelled in that potion, and you never will be," she said angrily. I knew she was wrong, I knew it all was wrong but a part of me felt like it was true. But nevermind that, I had to get Ron to the hospital wing, and quick.

I started sort of speedwalking and we finally made it to the entrance and I opened the door, "Madam Pomfrey! It was Lavender Brown!"

She gave me a confused look and then looked to Ron as her eyes widened, "Oh, I'd better send for Severus," she said, leading Ron to a bed so he could lay down. 

"Oh, it's alright Fred and Taylor have gone to get him," I said.

"Okay wonderful, I'll help Mr.Weasley over here, dear. Why don't you get to class?" she said with a small smile. 

"Oh yes, I'll be on my way-uh-I'll be back after classes," I smiled and ran off to transfiguration.

Daphne and Lavender were walking toward the Hospital Wing as I left, they eyed me suspiciously as I ran off. 

What were they up to now?

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