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Your POV

I had spent the night in Ginny's room and we spent the better half of the night teasing Hermione for the highly suggestive letter she was sending to Draco. He's like my brother so I did not want to know what was in that letter. I had ended up sleeping in I suppose because when I woke up neither of the girls were in the room. I stole one of Ginny's t-shirts since I had slept in a tank top and pajama shorts. It didn't seem appropriate to wear a skimpy sleep top to breakfast. So, after I changed I ran down the stairs, quickly being greeted by the smell of various breakfast foods.

I made it to the kitchen and Molly smiled at me, "Good Morning Dear! Please sit down and help yourself," she took off her apron, hanging it up, and then sitting at the table.

"Good Morning, Mrs.Wealsey-", I smiled back at her but was interrupted by Ron.

"So nobody was going to tell me that my bloody girlfriend was here!?", he looked around the table with a hurt expression upon his face. We had been dating for 5 months and I was still not used to him calling me his girlfriend. I chuckled at his remark and went to sit down next to him, planting a quick kiss on his cheek and then helping myself to some breakfast.

There was chatter amongst the family and Ron whispered to me, "So why are you staying here?', I didn't even have to respond, I just gave him a look and he automatically knew why I was there. He muttered an "Oh, well I'm glad you're here," and he smiled, then continued to eat. We had all finished eating and we were all still talking, I was in the middle of a conversation with George when I felt something on my thigh, I quickly looked down and then I looked back up so I wouldn't break the conversation with George. Ron's hand was on my thigh. He didn't even turn his gaze to me when he did it but when I saw that it was his hand, my breath hitched. I guess George noticed this because he nudged Fred with his elbow and pointed at me.

"Aww...is our little Ronniekins trying to get some action at the breakfast table?" George whispered and Ron almost choked on his water. This caused the twins to laugh and my face turned a bright shade of red. "Save it for later, eh?", George remarked, "If you two are done, let's go play some quidditch. I reckon Ginny and Harry are already in the backyard, if we hurry we'll probably catch them snogging."

Ron cringed and I spoke up, "Hermione and I actually have to finish up some homework so we'll be doing that while you all play,"  I said, I got up and brought my plate to the sink then walked back over to wait for Hermione, "I hope you guys have fun though, we can all talk later," I smiled and me and Hermione made our way back up to Ginny's room as the rest of the boys filed out of the house to go play.


After Hermione and I had finished our studies we had sat down in the living room. I had explained everything that happened with my parents and she explained that Draco's father was getting suspicious of him which did concern me a bit. Our conversation was interrupted when  George and Fred burst through the door, Ron trailing behind them.

"Y/N! Come help your little loverboy, he's got a little boo-boo," George yelled, saying the last part in a baby voice. I rolled my eyes and got up, laughing at George's words. I walked over to Ron and noticed a small gash on the top of his forehead.

"Goodness, Ron...what did you do?",  I frowned, looking at the wound.

"I fell off my broom..," he said, glaring at Harry, I took the hint that Harry probably ran into him. I sighed and smiled at him.

"Alright then, let's take care of that before it gets worse," he went up the stairs and I followed, getting a wizarding first-aid kit from Molly on the way up. He led me to his room which was odd since I thought he'd be leading me to a washroom, but I suppose he knew what he was doing since it is his home.

I pointed to a chair next to his bed, "Sit there," he sat down and I rummaged through the small wooden box that Molly had handed to me and I pulled out the supplies I needed. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and he scooted the chair closer to me and leaned forward. I started cleaning the cut, being as gentle as possible, I noticed him wince a bit, "Sorry, love.", I gave him an apologetic smile and she gently shook his head, as if telling me it was okay. I finished cleaning the cut and I then applied some ointment, finishing it off with a bandage. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"You're like my little nurse," he chuckled.

"I suppose so," I giggled and he cupped the side of my face. 

"Y/N...you're so beautiful. Do you know that?", he whispered. I felt my face heat up and I smiled.

"Ron, you're too kind...", I kept my voice quieter to match his. 

"I love you," he said. I was taken aback. No one had ever said that to me in that way. I had dreamed about this moment multiple times but I didn't think it would come so soon. I mean I didn't think it was that soon? It had been five months so I think that's normal? Right? That's normal. I mean, I've never been in a relationship but I think it was fine. I mean I did love him and I was going to say it eventually. After thinking about it for a second, I smiled at him.

"I love you too, Ron-," before I could even finish my sentence his lips were on mine, my breath hitched at the sudden movement before I kissed him back. It was unlike any other kiss we had shared before. It was passionate and it felt needed. I had practically melted into his touch and everything I had been worried about before had just seemed to disappear. He had pulled away to catch his breath. 

"We should probably head back down before anyone gets suspicious," he raised his eyebrows and smiled, standing up and holding out his hand for me. I laughed and stood up, placing my hand in his as he led me downstairs.

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Word Count: 1123

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