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Your POV:

"Since none of you could successfully tell me exactly how to make a Pepperup potion, I expect a 12-inch essay on my desk tomorrow at the start of class. Seeing as this is your last class of the day, I expect all of your assignments to be finished," Snape droned on. I didn't understand why so many people hated him, he wasn't that awful, he just seemed to have a different way of doing things. After the Professor dismissed us, I packed my materials into my bag.

"Miss Y/LN, after you finish putting away your things it is imperative that I give you something," he said and I nodded, slinging my bag over my shoulder, I walked up to hi desk and I figured it had something t do with the whole Ron situation which had been playing my nerves all day.

"Yes, Professor?", I questioned.

"I assume you'll be visiting Weasley in the Hospital Wing, yes?", he asked and I nodded, "Right, then I need you to give this to Madam Pomfrey," he handed me a medium-sized vial, full of a thick, clear liquid...veritaserum. "Take that to Madam Pomfrey for Miss Brown and Miss Greengrass," he looked back down at his papers and I clutched the vial tightly in my hand.

"Thank you, Professor," he nodded and I ran off on my way to the Hospital Wing. I pushed open the door and looked around the room for Madam Pomfrey and I saw her discussing something with Professor Sprout. I awkwardly made my way over to her.

"Uhm, Madam Pomfrey?", I wanted to get her attention but I didn't want to annoy her either. She turned to me and smiled faintly.

"Yes, my dear?", she asked.

"Oh-uhm, Professor Snape asked me to give this to you, I assume you know why, I held out the vial for her to take and she grabbed it, examining the liquid.

"Ah yes, of course. I'll make sure to thank him for that," she smiled and started to turn toward Professor Sprout to continue their conversation, but she quickly brought her attention back to me, "Oh, and by the way, Miss Y/LN... Mr.Weasley is doing wonderfully, all of that Amortentia is out of his system if you'd like to go visit him," she smiled, "He's 4 beds down on the left," she nodded toward his direction and I quickly walked over to his bed. He saw me walking over and he sat up, smiling. I sat on the edge of the bed so we could talk.

"Y/N! You came to see me!", he sounded almost as excited as a little kid on Christmas morning. I gave him a half-smile, still afraid he'd say something about Lavender.

"Of course I came, Ron, I have to check up on my best friend," I chuckled, I hated calling him my best friend when I knew deep down that we were so much more than that.

"Yeah...about all of that best friend stuff. I think we need to talk," he looked down.

"Ha. Yeah- that might be a good idea," I mumbled, why was this so awkward?

"Y/N...I never really understood what was happening, it just felt like a constant trance but the only thing I could really feel was confusion. I mean I knew you were hurt but...I didn't know how to ask without seeming like a total git," he sighed.

"Well I mean it wasn't your fault...at least I don't think it was," I chuckled.

"I hated it...all of it. She's so bloody clingy and none of it felt real," he frowned. It was so awkward. Why couldn't things just be the way they were. He could tell me loves me and we'd be fine. That's not going to happen though...I'm not even sure if we could really resume our relationship from where it left off.

"Well, none of it was real," I commented.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I should have been stronger," I noticed his eyes gloss over and he sniffled.

"Ron...it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself, you didn't know..," I tried to reassure him. There was a long pause, neither of us knew exactly what to say, we just sat there. He would always be my weakness, I'd always have a soft spot for him, and a small part of me hated that. I felt as though he was looking to me for forgiveness, but there was nothing to forgive. None of this was his fault so why did I need to forgive him? 

He had taken a short breath, as if he was about to say something, but he paused and brought his hand up to cup my cheek. His sudden touch made my cheeks flush a bright shade of pink.  

Merlin, I missed him.

It's almost as if he knew exactly what I was thinking in that moment because he just leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. It was a short kiss, but it felt so incomparable to any other we had ever shared. It was eager, but full of love, and if a kiss could talk. That kiss would have told me how much Ron had missed me, the very same way I missed him. He pulled away and brought his hand down to hold mine.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N, you know I still love you, right?", he asked, "I never stopped," he fainly smiled and I felt every weight being lifted off of my shoulders. 

"I still love you too," I smiled and his smiled got bigger and he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

However, our sweet little moment was cut short when Draco came bursting through the door of the hospital wing, practically sprinting toward me.

"He knows, Y/N. My father found out about Hermione," Draco said, out of breath.

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