Author's Note - January 14, 2021

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Five years ago today,

We lost a bright light in a dark world. Although five years seems like a long time, you still live in our hearts, and our memories of you will never fade. Alan, you truly were an angel and there will never be anyone quite like you. If you were to watch any interview with Alan you would clearly see that he had one of the kindest souls. 

On Thursday, January 14, 2016...I remember sitting on the reclining chair at my nana's apartment and seeing on the news that Alan Rickman had passed. At the time, Ii only knew of him as Professor Snape, but it was still heartbreaking. I remember crying about it and that was the first time I had cried over a celebrity.

This year hurts just a bit more because I know so much more about him. He was multi-talented from stage to screen, and an extremely diverse actor. From Severus Snape to Sinclair Bryant, from Hans Gruber to Colonel Brandon, from Judge Turpin to Alex Hughes, from Alexander Dane to Grigori Rasputin...and many many others. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that Alan Rickman, in my opinion, is one of the most amazing actors in the world and I miss him a little more every day.

I am not prepared to go on TikTok today and see all the edits but it is something I have to accept and I need to be happy about the fact that he is no longer suffering. Cancer is a terrible, horrible thing and I hope none of you ever have to experience it, and I hope none of your loved ones have to experience it. I understand death can be a hard thing to comprehend and I honestly have no more words to say because I'm still speechless.

(Regardless of who you are, if you are ever dealing with something, I am here for you, my inbox on Wattpad is always open to all of you. Each and every one of you is very important to me and I am always here for you.)

So let us raise our wands for our Dear Alan Rickman.

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