-letters and promises-

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-Your POV- 

After last night, I didn't seem to be too focused on anything that was happening in the current moment. Draco had tried to cheer me up while we walked to breakfast, and it had worked a little bit. It pulled me out of my thoughts long enough to be able to eat something. I decided to have myself a bowl of porridge. Draco, Blaise, and I were chatting about the potion we had to work on today in Professor Snape's class when suddenly, the owls came in. My parents' owl, Azazel, had flown overhead. He dropped a letter into my hands and flew off. I looked down at the letter and then looked to Draco with a 'this can't be good' sort of expression. He looked at it and shrugged.

"You should probably open it.", right after he said that I glared at him.

"Well of course I'm going to open it, but I'm just thinking it's really convenient that they send me this today, after the contents of yesterday's paper." 

My eyes scanned the parchment, my expression gradually getting more confused.


Yes, we have read the paper. We do not know how to feel. However, we advise that you do not speak about this with any of your friends. Especially the mudblood girl, and that Weasley boy you seem to be so close with. His father works for the Ministry and we do not need more of them involved in our business. Like we've said before, don't go associating yourself with the wrong kinds of witches and wizards, but you still do it? What will it take for you to listen to us? You will not be visiting or contacting anyone over the summer unless you send us a letter containing the names and families of everyone you associate yourself with. From there, we will tell you who you can continue to talk with and who you can not. Until then, please refrain from talking with Miss Granger, she is terribly detrimental to our image. The Weasley's too, not just their sons but their daughter as well. If we find out you have disobeyed our orders, we will seriously rethink your attendance at Hogwarts and your punishment will be most undesirable.

-Mother & Father

 I couldn't speak, nothing would leave my mouth. How did they find out? How did they find any of this out? Draco looked at me and I just handed him the letter. I watched as he read it.

"Don't reply, they can't see you until summer so just ignore them.", he wore an apologetic smile. He was right. "Then, you can come to stay with me for the summer or maybe you can stay with the Weasleys? I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind if you stayed for a while if we tell her why, she won't tell your parents that you're with us.", he smiled again. I nodded.

"Thank you, Draco. We'll just have to see how it plays out I suppose." I smiled at him, half-heartedly. "I'm gonna head to class." I turned in my seat to the Gryffindor table and I waved at Ron, my smile was no longer half-hearted, so I guess it was full-hearted. He had smiled back and waved and just that was enough to make me feel so much better. I got up and made my way out of the Great Hall, walking to potions class.


 I had knocked on the door since I had arrived early. I heard Professor Snape tell me it was alright to come in. I found my way to my seat, sitting down, and opening my book.

"Good Morning, Professor."

"Morning, Miss Y/LN. You're here quite early today. Any specific reason?", he replied in his usually monotonous voice.

"I just wanted to read up a bit on the potion before class, and I wanted to get away from all the commotion.", I turned to the correct page.

"I see, well carry on then.", he returned his focus to the parchment he was writing on and I returned my gaze to the book. We were learning to make a batch of Calming Draught and I really needed to get it right, if I got low marks in any of these classes it would just add to my parent's constant pestering.


I had met up with Ron after lunch since we both had free periods. We had snuck up to the Astronomy Tower since there were no classes up there until the evening time. I ended up showing him the letter and I think he read it like 3 times, he had the same expression I did as he read. We were sitting on the ground with our backs against the wall, but I was getting a little fatigued so I decided to lean on him, resting my head on his shoulder. It was pleasantly silent for while, he was holding my hand and I felt safe.

"Ron?", my voice came out like a barely audible whisper.

He heard it though, "Hm?"

"I'm scared." I paused, letting out a small sigh, "About my parents, I don't want them to disown me...I've done everything so that they'd be proud of me, but they want me to give up the most important parts of my life. As much as I love my mother and father...I can't give it all up. I can't give up my friends, I can't give you up either. I don't want to." I had felt a few silent tears fall and I sat up, no longer leaning on him or holding his hand. I turned to face him and he took my hand again, grazing his thumb over the back of my palm.

"It's going to be okay, I promise. I can explain everything to Mum, and you can come to stay with me, well us for the summer. Harry and Hermione will be there too, and you can stay in Ginny's room." I heard the excitement lacing his words, he had such hopeful eyes. I couldn't help but crack a faint smile. 

"Thank you, I look forward to it.", he smiled at my reply.

I stood and brushed off my skirt, straightening my tie after. Ron got up like two seconds after I did, I expected him to straighten his tie too, considering it was crooked. Instead, he gently grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. Before I could even ask him what he was doing, his hand was gently cupping the right side of my face, I smiled at him and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. His lips being against mine wasn't an unfamiliar feeling but it never failed to give me butterflies. With one hand on my face, his other rested on my waist. Both of my hands were rested upon his shoulders. 

He pulled away, but only slightly so that he could still hold me. I smiled at him, twirling a lock of his hair in between my fingers. "You really let your hair grow out this year.", he nodded, smiling sheepishly. "I like it." 

"Have I ever told you that you're my dream girl?", he swooned.

"You may have mentioned it.", I smiled once again, I suppose I just couldn't stop smiling around him.

"Y/N Y/LN...I promise to never break your heart.", he smiled.

"And I promise to never break your heart, Ron Weasley.", and with that, I kissed him on the cheek and we made our way to the Great Hall.

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Word Count: 1250

(A/N: So I literally screamed when I saw you guys got me to 350 reads. I am so thankful for each and every one of you <3)

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