Chapter Thirty: Two Halves of a Whole Idiot

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AN: Chapter Thirty was supposed to be about Namjoon.

Chapter thirty said 'fuck that noise, what's going on with Jimin and Yoongi?!'

So, here you go!  Enjoy!


A hacking and sputtering from the kitchen brought Yoongi tearing out of the bedroom full tilt. Fearing Jimin had somehow managed to choke on the drink of water he'd gone to get, the older man was prepared to perform a Heimlich maneuver with every ounce of strength his slender body possessed.

Life saving measures turned out to be thankfully unnecessary, though. Jimin was standing in the middle of the kitchen and, despite the water splattered everywhere, he seemed to be breathing just fine.

"You okay?" the chef asked, snagging a kitchen towel from where it hung on the handle of the oven door. He dabbed at the moisture soaking into the front of Jimin's shirt – Yoongi's shirt, actually, but the younger had stolen it for bedtime again.

Wordlessly, Jimin turned his phone around to show Yoongi the screen. The older man quirked his brows in confusion; it was a picture of Namjoon standing with two women. He licked his lips slightly and tried to figure out what it was that had been so shocking that Jimin had attempted to breathe water. "Uhm."

"That's my mom!" Jimin explained. He tried to point at one of the women in the picture but, as it wasn't facing him, he ended up pointing at Namjoon. Yoongi chose not to comment on that, though, since the other woman in the picture was obviously too young to be Jimin's mother and looked way too much like Namjoon to be anyone other than the infamous Geongmin. It was easy enough to figure out whom Jimin was trying to indicate.

"What's she doing with Namjoon?" He took the phone from Jimin and peered at the picture. It had been sent to the group chat, which explained the notification-buzz that Yoongi had heard his phone make a moment ago. He'd been too preoccupied with worrying over Jimin drowning in his kitchen to check what the message had been, though.

"I don't know!" Jimin snatched his phone back and stared at the picture, expression perfectly dumbfounded. "I thought he was in Seoul."

"Call?" Yoongi suggested, moving to wipe up more water from the floor and countertops. Apparently, Jimin felt his best response to a surprise picture of their friend with his mom was to pretend to be a sprinkler. The older man was surprised how far the water had splattered.

"Calling." Jimin pressed a couple buttons before holding the device up to his ear. It didn't take long before a voice greeted him on the other end. "Why are you in Busan?" Jimin demanded without any sort of lead up.

There was a pause followed by laughter. Yoongi couldn't make out the words, though he was doing his best to eavesdrop.

"She's in Seoul?" Jimin started pacing idly around the kitchen as Yoongi finished up his toweling down of the front of the cabinets. "Really? Really? That's great!" Jimin moved the phone away from his mouth slightly. "Namjoon is working for my mom! How crazy is that?"

Before Yoongi had a chance to answer, the dancer was back to talking into the phone. "Ah, I miss her noodles. You ate enough for me, too, yeah? Was that your sister? Hobi-hyung talks about her all the time. If he didn't have Dasom, I'd think he had a crush on her. Mmhm. No, really. Yeah."

The older man tried his best not to feel left out as he gave up on trying to listen in on the conversation. Instead, he took the now-damp towel out of the kitchen and back into his bedroom to toss it into his dirty hamper. He frowned at how full it was. Again.

Living with Jimin was bringing up a lot of things Yoongi had never considered before. One such thing was just how much laundry two men could produce in a week.

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