Chapter Eighteen: Group Hug!

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AN: Okay, let's try this again!

I wasn't terribly happy with how this chapter came out the first time I wrote it. I think I was too concentrated on doing something different that I didn't really sit back and look at the whole thing as one big picture. As such, I jumped the gun a little and, honestly, it felt forced. Since it was a side-arch of the main story, I don't feel I can do it justice without making it feel like a gimmick. I'm still keeping some of it but I'm dialing it back.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry. I've literally kept all the events from the original version of this chapter, just changed a few concepts and terms.

So, essentially, I've changed some things and re-thought how I want to portray things. I've also added a whole new section to this chapter because I realized, after the fact, that I had fumbled my timeline on top of everything else.

Oh, also... Speaking of the timeline, here's where we currently stand!

Chapter One - Day One
Chapters Two thru Six - Day Two
Chapters Seven and Eight - Day Three
Chapters Nine thru Thirteen - Day Four
Chapters Fourteen thru Sixteen - Day Five
Chapter Seventeen and Eighteen - Day Six

I hope you enjoy! Comment, vote, you know the drill! Let me know you exist so I have the motivation to keep writing!


Jin stood outside the North Tower Suite, hand poised to knock. He pursed his lips and rethought the motion. He could use his concierge keycard to open the door and go in. At the same time, he wasn't entirely sure he should. It wasn't like he was staying in the room with Namjoon; he didn't have the right to come and go as he pleased. Knocking would be more polite.

With a sigh, he knocked heavily and waited. It took less than a minute for the door to be pulled open, revealing Namjoon on the other side. He was dressed for the day in cargo shorts and a pale blue t-shirt.

"Hey," the younger greeted, stepping aside so Seokjin could come in. The elder shed his shoes and dropped the backpack he'd had slung across his shoulder onto the floor next to the ficus.

"Good morning." Seokjin hesitated for a fraction of a second before throwing caution to the wind and pressing a brief kiss to Namjoon's cheek. He wanted to go for the lips but he held himself back since he wasn't sure where they stood quite yet. He hadn't seen the younger since early afternoon the day before and things may have changed between then and now.

When they'd woken up from their snuggly couch-nap, Seokjin had excused himself to take care of a few errands that he'd been putting off. He hadn't been back to his apartment since the night he'd attempted to ghost Namjoon. He'd been in desperate need of a shower and a change of clothing.

On his way back to his apartment, he'd taken Namjoon's phone to Jungkook. The blond had remained behind at the hotel; he'd wanted to take some time to himself and think things through. Jin couldn't argue with that, especially since it was the hotelier that had insisted Namjoon do some soul-searching.

The elder promised to return the next morning with the newly cleaned-up phone so they could go hiking. If Namjoon still wanted to, that was. Not knowing what conclusions the younger had come up with had left Seokjin feeling antsy. Even though it had been chaste, he worried the kiss just then was inappropriate.

"Hyung," Namjoon murmured, touching the spot on his cheek Jin had kissed. There was a reproachful tone to his words and Seokjin's stomach dropped into his feet; he must have overstepped.

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