Chapter One: Welcome to Cheongug

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It started the moment they stepped off the plane at Jeju International. As soon as airplane mode was switched off, Jackson was on his phone, talking rapidly to whatever investor couldn't wait the half-hour it took to gather their luggage from the carousel. Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from saying anything whilst single-handedly snagging all four of their suitcases as they trundled by on the airport's version of a merry-go-round. Jackson's work was important to him and it was what had allowed them to drop more money on this trip than Namjoon thought prudent.

With his husband still preoccupied on the phone, Namjoon took the initiative to track down a luggage cart and load their bags onto it. Navigating through the throngs of people wasn't easy but the young man managed to do so with one hand pushing the cart and the other pulling his husband along by the elbow of his blazer. If Jackson noticed, he didn't show it as he animatedly chattered away in Cantonese to the investor. Thankfully, the call ended before the taxi driver finished loading their luggage and, with a murmured apology and a promise it wouldn't happen again, Jackson pecked Namjoon on the cheek and instructed the driver to take them to Cheongug.

The car zipped along the road, heading west and south. Namjoon watched out the window as glimpses of the sea flashed beyond buildings, a small smile tugging at his lips. This vacation had been long overdue and he was looking forward to finally getting to spend some quality time with his perpetually absent spouse.

"Jackie," he murmured as the car pulled away from the coast, replacing his ocean view with acres of farmland. He felt a warm hand slide over his and turned his palm up to entwine their fingers. "Thank you for this."

"Of course." Namjoon could see Jackson's smile in the reflection on his window. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you the honeymoon you deserved before."

The silver-haired man half-shrugged as he turned away from his window. The corner of his mouth curved up, allowing one of his dimples to make an appearance. "You know I didn't care about that."

Jackson reached over and poked the dimple with his free hand. "I know, I know. But you've been so patient with everything. These next couple weeks I'm going to spoil you so hard you won't-" His words were cut off as the phone tucked into the breast pocket of his blazer started ringing again. Both men froze and Namjoon's smile vanished when Jackson untangled their hands in order to pull the phone out. The dark-haired man's mouth formed a silent apology as he pressed a button to accept the call.

With a sigh that could have been easily mistaken as a growl, Namjoon folded his arms and turned back to the window to watch the fields blur by. He made a mental tally-mark; half an hour into their five-years-belated honeymoon, and Jackson had already spoken to his investors more than he'd spoken to his husband. The patience that Jackson had so recently praised was rapidly running out.


"I can help you right here, Sir." Seokjin grinned broadly, motioning for the next guest in the queue to join him at the dark mahogany counter that ran the length of one of the lobby walls. A dark-haired man in a tailored gray suit jacket and matching slacks stepped up to the counter with a disarming smile. He wore no tie and the top two buttons his dress shirt were scandalously undone, exposing the long column of his neck and a hint of collarbone. 

 Beside him, a slightly taller, fair-haired man was glancing around the atrium with an appreciative eye. The latter was dressed in loose khaki cargo pants and a light blue, short-sleeved button-up that was open to a simple white t-shirt underneath. Seokjin's practiced eye took in the name brand sunglasses perched on the blond's head, both the guests' Rolexes, numerous diamond studs adorning their ears, and the multiple rings on their fingers, including golden wedding bands, in a single sweep: despite the casual attire, some definite money stood in front of him. 

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