Chapter Ten: A Flamingo of Gays

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AN:  Hello, lovelies!  It's a bit of a shorter chapter but the next part is going to be hefty and involved, so I didn't want to tack it onto this chapter because it might make this chapter much heavier than it should be.  I wanted to keep this one kinda fluffy and fun.

Geongmin is totally me, in that she shares my spastic personality, sarcastic sense of humor, and questionable filter.


Edit:  Had to edit it right after uploading because I apparently missed a part at the end.  I write and save these on my thumbdrive to prevent Wattpad from eating them.


Namjoon stared at the screen of his phone, perched on the edge of the couch as he waited for his watch to strike five. He had the overwhelming urge to tell someone that he had made friends but had paused when he realized there was only a couple people he would consider telling. One of those was his husband and, after radio silence from the man for the entirety of the day, Namjoon was feeling spiky and didn't want to talk to him, either.

The other was his little sister, the only member of his family that hadn't disowned him when he'd come out as gay. It had been the day he announced he was moving to Hong Kong. He was blindsided by the way his parents reacted; he really thought they had figured out his orientation long before that moment. That was why he dropped the bomb so off-handedly. "Oh, by the way, I'm going to move to Hong Kong with my boyfriend instead of attending school locally." Apparently, they just thought he and Jackson were close friends. He should have sat them down and prepared them for the news instead of the casual FYI he tossed at their feet.

He hadn't spoken to his father since that day and had only shared a handful of words with his mother. The disappointment in her eyes spoke volumes as she told him that he was going to be responsible for the ending of their family line. Geongmin, his mother had stated coldly, couldn't as she would be the continuation of her husband's line after she married.

They would have allowed him to stay in the house until he left for Hong Kong, but he chose to pack up whatever he could take and leave that day, staying with Jackie's family until their departure. His sister's sudden appearance on the Wang's doorstep that night with a bag of his favorite snacks and a mixtape full of singers angry at their dads was a huge, but welcomed, surprise. Geongmin had told him that it didn't matter what their outdated parents said, she loved her oppa and would support whatever stupid decision he made. It made him laugh when she'd clarified that the stupid decision was moving too far away from her so she couldn't bring him cookies at midnight.

Making up his mind, he sent her a quick greeting and waited to see if she would respond. It was late enough in the evening; she should have been out of her classes. It never ceased to amaze him how smart she was. Twenty-two and she already had a bachelor's in mathematics and was halfway through a graduate degree. His smile got even bigger when he saw her reply almost instantly.


Hey squirt

Hey beanpole-oppa
Aren't you on vacation?
The hell you doing?
Get off your phone!

I'm on Jeju
It's complicated
And you can't tell me what to do
I'm older

Insignificant details
Complicated? How?
What did you do?

I'll tell you later

No, you dish now
Or I'll leave you on read

No you won't

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