Chapter Twenty-Four: Le Goût du Ciel

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AN: Why am I so sad to be getting closer to the end of this story?!  Aaaaah!  

Thank you to everyone for being so supportive!  We still have maybe three more chapters?  I can't be certain because it all depends on how long it takes my brain to narrate what's going on.

Anyway, please enjoy!  If you liked it, consider voting and sharing.  And, as always, comment!  Because your author is an attention whore.


In the short time they'd known each other, the closest to dressed up Namjoon had seen Seokjin was when the older was in his work uniform. While the vest and slacks had given him a certain appeal, it was nothing to what showed up outside the suite's door at a quarter to six.

Seokjin was wearing slacks and a simple, silky black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up his forearms, showing off a surprisingly expensive watch on one wrist and a silver bracelet on the other. His only other jewelry was a single diamond stud in one ear. A pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose.

If they hadn't needed to be at the restaurant in fifteen minutes, Namjoon probably would have jumped him.

"You look amazing." The blond greeted Seokjin with a lingering kiss, enjoying how the shorter man leaned into it to press their bodies together. When they pulled apart, he tapped a finger to the side of the glasses with a raised brow. He had never seen Seokjin in glasses before.

"My contacts were bothering me; I shouldn't have slept in them last night." Seokjin gave him a half-smile as if embarrassed by the eyewear.

For some reason, it was nice to know that Seokjin wasn't just wearing them for fashion purposes, especially since Namjoon had endured ridicule for glasses as a youth. It felt a little insulting to know people now saw them as chic when he'd gotten wedgies from bullies in the third grade for being born with shitty eyesight.

"I sleep in mine more than I probably should," Namjoon replied as he bent to slip his shoes on. He had chosen to dress fairly modestly compared to how he looked when he'd gone out with the posse earlier in the week. His button up was a pale lavender that went well with the silver in his hair, and he kept his earrings to a modest gold loop in each lobe. "I hate wearing my glasses if I can't avoid it."

"Ah, I bet you look cute, though." The older opened the door, ushering Namjoon into the atrium. They had taken a couple steps toward the elevator door when Seokjin held up a hand to waylay their progress. "Keycard?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes but smiled and pat his back pocket.

"Nope, I need to see it." Seokjin's eyes twinkled slightly behind the lenses. "I won't believe it otherwise."

With an exaggerated huff, Namjoon pulled his wallet out and showed the concierge that he did, indeed, remember his room key. "If you're with me, does it really matter?" he asked as he shoved his wallet back into his pocket.

Seokjin took the other's hand, weaving their fingers together and tugging him toward the elevator. "No, but you can't blame me for teasing you about it."

Honestly, Namjoon couldn't.

The Ciel was in the Southern Tower, a short walk through the lobby from where the Northern Tower stood. As they crossed the marbled floor to get to the other elevators, Namjoon felt a little self-conscious that they were holding hands out in the open. Especially when a couple bell hops stopped to bow at them. He didn't recall that having happened before during his comings and goings, not even when he and Jackie had taken the same route.

Seokjin seemed unconcerned, though, and merely nodded acknowledgement to the other employees. Namjoon eyed him from the side, lips thin in thought.

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