Chapter Four: Hurricane Kim

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A/NHeyyo!  Nothing much to note here.  Just read, vote, comment, enjoy!

Edit: *grumbles about formatting*


He moved without thinking, swiping his master-card and bursting into the suite. He could hear the blood pounding in his ears, mouth going dry as he prepared for what he was about to see. Confusion replaced the panic, though, as Seokjin nearly collided with Jackson as the Chinese man burst out of the office. Both men paused, staring at each other, before Namjoon's voice called out from the direction of the kitchen.

"I'm alright! But, uh, I might need a little help?"

Seokjin could see his own bewilderment mirrored in Jackie's face as they moved further into the suite and rounded the corner to peer into the kitchen.

"Oh... Joon, what did you do this time?" Jackson moaned, placing a hand over his face and shaking his head.

"I just wanted some water," Namjoon defended, a blush spreading quickly across his cheeks.

Seokjin's mouth had popped open as he stared at the carnage before him. Namjoon stood at one the counters, facing an overhead cupboard that usually held drinkware. A shelf inside the cupboard was tilted forward, the supports somehow snapped. Scattered around his bare feet, covering nearly every centimeter of the kitchen floor, were the broken remains of every single cup that once sat on the shelf. Slowly, Seokjin placed the food boxes on the bar counter and reached into his pocket to pull out his cellphone. He dialed a number and held it to his ear. After two rings, a chipper female voice greeted him.

"Mr. Kim! What can I do for you?"

"Can you please bring a broom and a vacuum up to the Northern Tower Suite, as quickly as possible?" He paused, eyes sweeping the scene again. "And a full set of drinking glasses and mugs."

There was a hesitation on the other end of the line as the woman tried to process the request. "Is everything okay, Mr. Kim?"

"Yes, but please do hurry. I don't want to keep our guests waiting." He hung up after a brief goodbye and sighed, turning to look at Jackson. "I apologize profusely for entering without permission." He bowed slightly and waved at the food boxes. "Your husband left those down at the counter earlier and I was bringing them up when I heard a crash."

Jackson shook his head and waved the apology away with a dismissing hand. "I appreciate the concern but this is typical Namjoon." The businessman let out a deep breath. "Just put the cost of the loss on our bill."

"No need for that. It appears to be a defect in the cupboard and, thus, entirely our fault. The cleaning staff will be here shortly to get this cleared out." He frowned as he looked at the embarrassed blond standing frozen in the kitchen. Namjoon couldn't move or he would step on broken glass. "Let's get you out of there in the meantime."

"If you have this handled, I need to get back to my call. I left them hanging and I was on speaker." Jackson turned abruptly and disappeared into the office. Seokjin stared after him, barely keeping the shocked expression from his face. The man's husband was surrounded by broken glass and barefoot and Jackson wasn't going to hang around to make sure he got out safely? Now, that made Seokjin angry.

Only years of being in complete control of his expressions kept a seething look from making it to Seokjin's face but he could feel it bubbling just under the surface. Facing Namjoon, Seokjin sized up the situation. There was broken glass on the countertop in front of the blond, as well, so he couldn't have the younger man just climb onto the surface to avoid the glass. Seokjin would just have to go in there and get him.

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