Chapter Nineteen: Never Again

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AN: And I make my glorious return to this story with a super-fucking-heavy chapter.  Strap in, lovelies.  This gets a bit intense.

Please comment, vote, and stroke my ego!


It had taken Jimin much longer than Yoongi would have liked for the younger to stop laughing. The acrobat had plopped down on the couch, tears streaming down his cheeks, body shaking from giggles. When he seemed to have gotten a hold of himself, he'd glance up at the chef and the guffaws would start anew.

Yoongi bore it with his usual scowl, disappearing into his bedroom to change, and then into the bathroom to brush his teeth and tame the firetruck-red mop that sat on top of his head. By the time he had put himself in order, Jimin had calmed down enough to breath.

To give the younger a few more moments to collect himself, Yoongi moved into the kitchen. He clicked the button on his coffee pot – the grounds already sitting in the tray because he always prepped the night before – and filled his electric kettle with water.

With mindless motions, he pulled down two mugs from the cupboard with barely a look. One was plain white, like something you would find in a restaurant.

The other was pale pink with painted cats chasing each other around the bottom and through the handle. "Good Meowning" blazed across the front in kitschy, orange bubble letters. It was the most hideous thing Yoongi owned; he absolutely hated how it clashed with his simplistic, elegant dinnerware set of white and black.

He had gotten it from Hoseok two years ago when the group had decided to do something called a white elephant gift exchange around Christmas time. Before he moved to Jeju, Yoongi hadn't ever bothered with Christmas, but the Avengers demanded he partake in the festivities when they first adopted him into their ranks.

He had to admit that he did have a good time, and it was pretty funny watching everyone open the most pointless, ridiculous gifts and then try to guess who it was from. The fact that he was stuck with the dumbest mug in the history of mugs was merely an irritating consequence. He couldn't throw it away, either, as per the rules the gang had set up before the exchange.

Plus, for reasons Yoongi couldn't fathom, Jimin loved the damned thing.

The whistle of his kettle knocked him from his musings and he quickly dropped a steeping ball full of a blend of loose-leaf tea into the cat mug before filling the white one with plain coffee. He added a tiny dash of sugar to the tea before carrying both mugs into the living room.

"Why in the world did you pick that color?" Jimin asked, grinning as he accepted the cat mug from the older.

"I'm proving a point." The chef sat on the couch before taking a small sip of his bitter wake-up juice. He carefully placed the mug on a coaster, passing one to Jimin so the younger could do the same with his tea.

"A point about what?" Jimin shook his head. "You do realize that now we're going to clash if we hang out together. One of us is going to have to change."

Yoongi sat back, pressing his lips thin. "Well, I just dyed mine so it looks like you're burnt on pink."

Jimin stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. "That's not fair," he argued. "It wasn't my idea for you to do that." He reached over and ran his fingers through Yoongi's hair. "Why should I suffer for your mistake?"

Yoongi brushed Jimin's hand away with a roll of his eyes before picking up his coffee for another drink. "It isn't a mistake."

"Your hair looks like a fire hydrant."

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