Chapter Nine: Part of the Posse

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AN:  Edit on 3/5/20 - I added a little to the last paragraph that is fairly important.  And I forgot to put a picture at the top.


What a difference a day made.

After finally getting control of his blubbering, Namjoon had taken a long bath in the jetted tub, eaten his leftovers from the Ciel – he made a note that if he ever had the chance to talk to Yoongi-hyung, he would compliment him on the food because, even reheated, it was simply amazing – and then he went to bed early. He had stared at Jin's number in his phone for a good twenty minutes while lying there, debating sending the man a text, but decided against it. Sleep found him quickly and, if he had dreamed, he couldn't recall of what.

Now, as the early afternoon sun shone warmly down on him, he settled himself into a plush patio chair, feet propped up on the balcony's edge as he flipped a book open to his saved page. A bowl of sliced fruit sat forgotten on the table next to him, brought up by room service earlier in the morning when he'd wanted something light to munch on. He refused to acknowledge the disappointment he felt when he opened the door to a stranger bearing his treat. He had to remind himself multiple times that Jin wasn't going to be around anymore, not while Namjoon was still a guest at the resort.

He had been sitting, contentedly undisturbed, for an hour when his phone started buzzing. At first, he didn't even bother to see who was calling; he just hit the button to silence it and went back to his book. It took the phone interrupting the same damn paragraph five times before he finally gave up, set the book on the patio table and glanced at his phone's screen to see who kept bothering him.

Other than it being a local number, he didn't recognize it. Right as he slid his finger across the screen to dismiss the call, he received a text from the same person.


Omg, open the damn door
I've been knocking for ten minutes
I know you're in there

Who is this?

Hi! :D
Tae gave me your number
Now come open the door

Namjoon couldn't figure out if he was more confused or amused by the exchange. With a shake of his head, he saved the number in his phone as he left the balcony. True to the text, Hoseok stood on the other side of his door, wearing swim trunks and a tank top, a towel thrown over his shoulders.

"Hey!" A radiant smile accompanied Hoseok's chipper greeting.

"Uh. Hi." Namjoon stepped to the side, motioning an invitation for Hoseok to come in. "What's up?"

"I was going to go swimming and figured I'd ask if you'd like to come." Hoseok leaned against the breakfast bar. "Is..." he waved a hand around the room with a quirked brow.

It didn't take Namjoon more than a second to realize what Hoseok was asking. He shook his head. "He left the other night. For Hong Kong. Give me a minute and I'll put my trunks on."

"Hong Kong?" Hoseok followed Namjoon into his bedroom, seemingly unconcerned with the fact that Namjoon needed to take off his pants. "You're here by yourself now?"

"Yeah." Namjoon stood in the middle of his bedroom with his trunks in his hands, staring pointedly at the brunet, wondering if he was going to have to actually ask the other to step out so he could change. Apparently so, as Hoseok plopped down onto the foot of Namjoon's bed, leaning back on his palms.

"No offense to you, but that's a jerk move."

"None taken," Namjoon muttered in response, still standing awkwardly with his shorts in his hands. Realizing the other was definitely not going anywhere, he slipped into the bathroom to change. Once done, he grabbed a towel and rejoined Hoseok in the bedroom. His backpack, still filled with the things he had taken to Boseog Gedo, sat against the nightstand. He debated scooping it up but decided against it before he indicated to his year-mate that he was ready to go.

A Little Slice of Heaven [Namjin]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora