Chapter Twenty-Seven: No Room to Talk

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AN: Just a short chapter for all ya'll.  I felt it was an important enough scene to not tack another scene onto it.  Maaaaaybe three more chapters now?  Maybe?


They were on their fifth game of Matgo when the sound of someone entering the door code bleeped across the apartment. Mouth and throat going instantly dry, Namjoon set down his cards and exchanged a look with his sister.

Geongmin reached across the table and clutched his arm briefly. "You've got this. I'll be right here."

Swallowing heavily, Namjoon stood and picked up the pile of divorce papers he'd printed off, moving out of the dinning area into the living room where he would have a clear view of the door. He briefly debated sitting on the arm of the couch, hoping to come off unconcerned and aloof.

A thud against the outside of the door derailed his thoughts. Frowning, Namjoon shifted, trying not to clutch the documents too tightly. How hard was it to open a door?

There was another bang and then the beeps sounded again as the person on the outside made a second attempt at the code. Namjoon glanced over his shoulder in time to see Geongmin peek her head around the corner to see what was causing the commotion. He shrugged at her and, with a roll of his eyes, started toward the door to open it since it was apparently proving too difficult for whoever was out there.

He was halfway across the room when it finally burst open, admitting not only Jackson, but a second figure. Namjoon couldn't tell who it was, though, as they had their face buried in his husband's neck.

The former of the pair had his back to Namjoon; it was obvious he didn't realize the blond was there. He grabbed the man clinging to him by the hair, pulling his head back just long enough to crush their mouths together in what could only be described as a very sloppy kiss.

Namjoon stood frozen in place, too surprised to react as he watched the stranger grope at his spouse's ass. He honestly wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel about this turn of events but relief was vying for supremacy. He had an almost overwhelming urge to laugh but clamped down on it before the first chuckles could bubble out.

It was Geongmin that alerted the newcomers that they were not alone in the apartment. Scrambling around the corner into the living room, she gasped audibly. "What the actual flying fuck is this?" she demanded.

Jackson and the stranger broke apart as if electrocuted, turning to gawk at Namjoon and his sister. There was a very heavy silence that descended on the room as realization dawned on Jackson's face. He took half a step toward Namjoon, lifting a hand.

"Joon," he started awkwardly, glancing at the stranger then back at his husband. "It's... you're home..."

Namjoon licked his lips slowly, eyes drifting to the new man. He looked him over, trying to see if he recognized him at all but he was pretty sure they hadn't ever met. He allowed his gaze to trail back to Jackson, settling on the slightly panicked expression gracing the other's face.

"Well." Namjoon sighed and held the documents out to the other man. "This makes it a lot easier."

Jackson took the papers without looking at them. "Listen, I can explain-"

"Don't bother." The corner of Namjoon's mouth twitched upwards. He turned his attention to the newcomer, holding out his hand. "Hi. You are?"

"Uhm." The smaller man eyed Namjoon's hand with unconcealed uncertainty. Hesitatingly, he gripped the offered hand and shook it slightly. "Park Jinyoung," he murmured.

Namjoon pressed his lips together as he let go of Jinyoung's hand. "And, apart from apparently keeping him up all night, you know Jackson how?"

"I-uh... I work with him."

A Little Slice of Heaven [Namjin]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن