Chapter Fifteen: Betrayal of Trust

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AN: Fun Fact

Chapter One – Day One
Chapters Two thru Six – Day Two
Chapters Seven and Eight – Day Three
Chapters Nine thru Thirteen – Day Four
Chapter Fourteen and Fifteen – Day Five

We are only on Day Five of Namjoon's 14-day vacation...



Namjoon was pretty proud of himself for not freaking out when Hoseok outlined what Geongmin had potentially done. Outwardly, anyway. Inside, his nerves resembled laundry in a tumble dryer. He managed to find his phone shoved down into the cushions of Yoongi's couch where it most likely fell out during the night, intending to shoot his little sister a message telling her he wasn't upset with her. Despite how much she abhorred his husband, he knew she would never intentionally hurt her oppa. She just hadn't thought about it when sharing the picture with her friend. He wouldn't have thought twice about it, either, as Hoseok wasn't the one Namjoon was fooling around with.

He found his phone very dead and sighed deeply. He had half a mind to leave it dead; Jackson couldn't ask him about the picture if he couldn't reach him, after all. That didn't vibe well with him, though. He would certainly be in more trouble for ignoring any incoming calls for too long.

"I have a charger in my car," Seokjin murmured in his ear. "I'll take you back to your room if you're ready to go."

Namjoon glanced at the older man, noting the way his brows were pinching together and his plump lips turned down ever so slightly. Images of tasting those lips not half an hour ago danced through Namjoon's mind, forcing him to stow them away for later or risk getting distracted at a moment that was definitely not appropriate.

"I'm ready," he declared, heading for the door. He paused next to Yoongi, pressing his lips thin as he met the chef's dark eyes. The shorter man was stoic and Namjoon couldn't discern what the older man was thinking. "Thank you for letting us crash," he murmured, bowing slightly. Namjoon hesitated as Yoongi nodded his acknowledgement. "And... I finally got around to eating my dinner from the other night. It was delicious."

He was certain he saw a slight softening around Yoongi's eyes. "You should try it fresh," the chef replied. His eyes flicked toward Seokjin. "I'm sure we can get you a table if you'd like a redo."

"I think I'd like that." Namjoon moved on to get his shoes as Seokjin said his goodbyes. From the corner of his eye, he saw Yoongi waylay Seokjin with a touch to the arm. The chef muttered something to the older man that Namjoon couldn't hear. Whatever it was, Seokjin pat the shorter man on the shoulder a couple times before joining Namjoon at the door to put on his shoes.

The walk to the car was quiet, leaving Namjoon swimming through the turmoil that filled him. There was a lot to sort through and he had made no progress by the time he slipped into the passenger seat of the silver sedan Seokjin owned. Silently, he plugged his phone in to allow it to charge as the older man pulled onto the nearly deserted road that would take them back to the resort property.

If Namjoon was being honest, he was worried about what he'd find when he turned his phone on. He and Jackie rarely fought but, when they did, Namjoon usually threw the towel in and apologized first, regardless of who was actually at fault. He didn't care for confrontation and it was so much easier to keep their marriage harmonious if he gave in and took the blame. This time, though, he really was at fault, just not for the thing that was going to probably trigger the fight.

If Jackie merely asked about the picture, Namjoon could be completely truthful. There was nothing going on between him and Hoseok; they were friends. Hoseok said he would send him screen shots of his and Geongmin's conversation if Namjoon needed further proof that there was nothing going on between them.

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