Chapter Thirteen: Captain America

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AN: Ouch.

I keep finding tons of typos in this one. -_-

5/15/20 - I keep finding MORE typos. WTF, Littie...


Namjoon had two distinct memories of dance clubs, both from when he and his friends were high schoolers and had gotten in on fake IDs. It was his first taste of tequila, and his first taste of a tongue that wasn't his own. The first he had liked. The second had been attached to a girl and had been his first clue that he was not interested in the contents of a woman's pants. He hadn't been inside an actual dance club since. He'd been too busy with work, and then college, when in Hong Kong. After they'd moved to Taiwan, Namjoon hadn't had anyone to go out dancing with since Jackson was always working. When they moved back to Korea, Jackson's new friends weren't the dance club type so they never went. To say Namjoon was excited to go to a club and finally experience one as a legal adult was an understatement.

The club at Cheongug was already hopping when the posse arrived. Namjoon glanced at the sign above the door and found himself entirely too amused by the neon pink flamingo in a Hawaiian shirt and oversized sunglasses that blared its tacky light on those in line on the sidewalk. "Kismet," he said, shaking his head.

"Kiss who?" Taehyung dropped his chin onto Namjoon's shoulder and looked up at the sign.

"It's a flamingo," Namjoon pointed out.

"Uhm, yeah." Tae lifted his head from its perch. "This club is called Birdie's. Flamingos are birds."

"I'm aware," Namjoon replied dryly. "It's kismet that we're here."

Taehyung blinked a couple times and looked over at Kookie as if seeking assistance but the youngest was too busy chatting with Jimin on his other side. "I'm pretty sure its name is Birdie, not Kiz Mitt."

"I'm not saying its name is kismet. Kismet means destiny," the blond explained, fascinated by the dongsaeng's cluelessness.

"Birdie," Taehyung insisted. He pointed at the bright green words below the flamingo. "Not Kiss Mitt, not Destiny. BIRD-IE."

Hoseok glanced over his shoulder at them and snickered but didn't offer to help either of them get onto the same page despite the pleading look Namjoon shot him. Realizing he wasn't getting any backup from the waiter, Namjoon tried again. "Us being at this club is destiny. I understand that the flamingo is named Birdie."

The dark-haired man tilted his head in thought, looking back up at the sign as they shuffled forward in line. "Oh. Why is it destiny?"

"Because it's a flamingo." Namjoon registered the confusion on the younger man's face. "And we're gay." Still no recognition shone through and Namjoon suddenly felt the urge to smack himself on the forehead. "And that was a conversation I'd had with my sister. I'm sorry. Never mind."

"You're kind of strange," Taehyung admitted. "But everyone says I'm really weird, too. So, it's okay."

"Thanks. I think." Namjoon pulled his wallet out as they approached the bouncer at the front of the line, showing his ID when the bulky man held his hand out for it. As they passed into the club, Namjoon could feel the bass from the stereos reverberate through his shoes, up his legs, and into his throat.

"I'm surprised there was no cover charge!" he hollered over the music into Taehyung's ear, since the tall groom had stayed near his side as the others went in search of a table.

"There is!" Tae replied, his mouth so close to Namjoon's ear to be heard that the blond could feel the other's lips moving against his skin. "But you're with us and we're employees! No cover for employees!"

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