Chapter Twenty: Avengers. Assemble. Again.

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AN: Another chapter within a day of the previous one?!  Who the hell abducted Littie and replaced her with someone productive?!

Read, vote, comment, enjoy!


"I can't believe you live in a place like this."

Seokjin glanced over his shoulder at Namjoon as the younger man shrugged off his backpack. They stood at the top of a bluff overlooking the ocean below. Scrubby trees dotted the cliff side, clinging to the exposed rock with roots and prayers. Behind them, a forest stretched out up the side of the rugged, mountainous terrain.

Nearby, a stream ran next to the path before plummeting off the edge of the cliff. They were so high above the ocean that the water turned to mist before it reached the waves below. Between water and sun, a rainbow was shimmering in the haze.

"Why do you say that?" The hotelier dropped his own bag next to Namjoon's and watched as the younger edged much too close to the open space beyond the solid ground they stood upon. The older had a strong urge to grab the back of Namjoon's t-shirt to prevent him from falling off.

Thankfully, it wasn't necessary and Namjoon returned to where their bags sat. He pulled a water bottle from his and took a long drink of it before wiping a glistening layer of sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. His pale hair was darkened with the same sweat and was mussed from the younger running his long fingers through it.

Seokjin didn't realize that a man could be that devastatingly handsome while disheveled. Of course, he had seen it in movies and television, and in advertisements that tried to use sex to sell, but he'd never really witnessed it firsthand before. He could readily say that whatever Namjoon was selling, he'd buy it.

A water bottle in front of his face drew him out of his thoughts and he took the offered drink, enjoying a long swig of the cold water before handing it back to Namjoon.

"You get to wake up and see this every day. It seems unreal. Like a dream." Namjoon looked back out at the ocean after tucking his water back into his bag.

"You could wake up to this every day, too." The words left Seokjin's lips before he could stop them. He silently reprimanded himself; he didn't want to put any pressure on the other.

Ending his life in Seoul and moving to the other side of the country to start a life with a man that was, essentially, still a stranger was a huge decision. Namjoon needed to figure out what he really wanted, and Seokjin didn't want to plant any seeds that would make the younger man too hasty. The last thing Jin wanted was for Namjoon to regret him. He didn't want to be a mistake.

That didn't stop him from hoping Namjoon would choose him over the half-melted stick of lard he married. He knew they were moving incredibly fast, faster than Jin had ever moved in a relationship before, but he couldn't help it. The blond's very existence called to him.

"I'm sorry," Seokjin murmured, turning his attention to his own backpack. He dug out some snacks he had packed, setting them out on a large, flat rock that sat just off the trail.

"Don't be." Namjoon sat down on the dirt next to the rock, snagging a bag of trail mix. Seokjin watched from the corner of his eye as Namjoon struggled to get the packet open, resorting to using his teeth to tear it. It was the wrong move, though, as the bag gave way with a burst of peanuts and raisins. Half of it landed in Namjoon's lap while the rest scattered across the dirt.

Seokjin burst into laughter at the mixed expression of bafflement and embarrassment that graced Namjoon's face. Plopping down onto the dirt next to him, the older picked a peanut out of Namjoon's hair and dropped it onto the ground with the rest.

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