Chapter Thirty-Three: In the Same Car

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AN: Don't get used to me updating this frequently >.> I'm just super motivated right now.  Thanks to rakshuvs for poking me about updating 💜

This is a bit of short chapter compared to the last one.  It gets a bit philosophical, though.  Keep in mind that the opinions expressed in this chapter are all merely this Seokjin's opinions (based on my own) and they may differ from your own opinions on the topic.  I'm open to discussion on it if you're the kind that likes to talk about this kind of thing.  Otherwise, just sit back and enjoy the chapter! 


"Are you in love with Namjoon-hyung?"

Seokjin choked on his drink. He sputtered slightly and smacked a fist against his chest as he bent over, trying to dislodge the Milkis* and breathe at the same time. Eyes watering, he squinted up at the source of the sudden and unexpected question.

"Kookie?" He blinked a few times, dashing the tears from his eyes as he rasped in another lungful of sweet Jeju air. He had been sitting outside at a small café on his boardwalk, enjoying a pastry and one of his favorite soda-milks when the unexpected question attacked him. "You almost killed me! Make some noise before asking such things!"

Jungkook bunny-smiled, dropping down into an occupied chair at the other side of the tiny, circular wrought-iron table. "Sorry, Hyung." He reached over to tear off a piece of Seokjin's cheese danish but the older man slapped the back of his hand.

"If you want a pastry, go get your own," Seokjin snapped, coughing a few more times to clear his throat. Once he felt he'd managed to sufficiently compose himself, he glanced over at the pouting maknae.

With a sigh, he snagged the butter knife from where it sat next to his plate and cut the treat in half. "Here," he grumped, motioning at the pastry. The toothy grin returned as Jungkook snagged the half-Danish from the plate.

"Now," Jin continued once his junior was happily munching on the snack. "Say again?"

"I was just wondering," Kookie said between mouthfuls, "if you were in love with Namjoon-hyung."

"That's a bit personal," Seokjin admonished. He was fairly open with his dongsaengs, but there was only ever one of them he chose to discuss deeper feelings with and it certainly wasn't Jungkook.

The maknae swallowed his last bite and pursed his lips. "I know, but..." He looked down at his shirt, picking off a few crumbs before turning his gaze toward the ocean. He chewed on his bottom lip and picked at his nails.

"What's going on, Kookie?" Jin pressed gently. He had known the younger man long enough to recognizing the signs that Jungkook wasn't looking to be nosy. There was something genuine behind his question and the maknae was seeking some kind of knowledge that Seokjin would bet was somehow related to Taehyung.

The younger man glanced around as if checking that they were in a private enough place. He must have deemed it safe because he leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. He gazed across the short space, looking in all respects like a concerned puppy. "I wanted to talk to you about something, but first I need to know if you're in love with him."

Jin sighed and took another sip of his drink while he contemplated how to respond. Finally, as Jungkook was starting to eye the other half of the pastry, Seokjin gazed up at the sky and shook his head.

"No, Kook, I'm not."

The answer was obviously not what Jungkook was wanting to hear, nor was it what he was expecting. His lips were pursed, his brows pinched together. "But," he started to argue, frown deepening as he tried to process the answer, "you call him 'love', and you want him to move in with you. You're still together, aren't you? I know he's been gone for a few weeks but I thought things were still good?"

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