Chapter Twenty-One: One More Question

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AN: Some deep stuff ahead, thanks to our resident shoulder-angel, Hobi.  I don't know why but in both this story and in "Hitman" Hoseok has become Namjoon's Voice of Reason whenever Namjoon is having issues grasping what the hell he's doing with Seokjin. XD

Anyway, please enjoy this chapter!  Comment, vote, and share it with friends!

Also, I posted the first few chapters in a new story called "Gaia."  It's an OT7 fic that includes a variety of ships that will evolve and change throughout the story as it progresses (except for Taegi.  That ship permanently docked in the fic and has no intention to change anchor.)  Go check it out and let me know what you think!  (Read: Your author is hungry for attention, please feed her).


As Namjoon sat on Yoongi's rug, blood boiling at what Jimin was telling them, he couldn't help but want to find the man responsible and beat him into the ground. Repeatedly.

He was not a violent man by nature. He typically only fought in a reactionary way, such as when he clocked that guy at the bar the other night. He only hit him after first being attacked. Prior to that incident, the last time he'd been in a fight was in high school, when he'd come bursting out of the closet like the Kool-Aid man.

That time, he'd been defending another student from some douche-nozzles that thought picking on the openly gay kid was a good idea. By the end of the day, the entire school knew not only that Namjoon was also gay, but that he packed a vicious left hook.

After that, he'd discovered that his small group of friends were some of the most amazing young men he'd ever met. He'd been afraid they'd reject him after discovering he liked men. Instead, when he returned to school after a mandatory week's suspension for fighting, all four guys had proudly shown him the rainbow flag pins they'd each attached to their backpacks. They'd have his back, they said, no matter what.

If Namjoon regretted anything in his life, it was falling out of contact with them after graduation. He promised himself that he would start the process of tracking them down once he got his life figured out.

And that was going to have to wait until after he, and five other angry men, murdered Lee Jongwoon.

"The question," Seokjin spoke up once Jimin had fallen silent, "is what do you want to happen, Jiminie?"

The dancer glanced up through wet lashes at the eldest before looking back at his knees. Yoongi, one arm wrapped protectively around his shoulders, murmured encouraging words into his hair.

"I just want it to go away," Jimin finally said, voice cracking slightly from strain. From the arm of the couch, Hoseok reached over and rubbed comforting circles on the younger man's back.

"There has to be something we can do," Jungkook spoke up from the loveseat. Taehyung, sitting next to his boyfriend, nodded a few times in agreement.

Namjoon wasn't sure if his input was welcomed but he found himself speaking before he second guessed himself. "I think there's only two real options here, and both suck." Eyes turned to him and he pressed his lips into a flat line, worried he'd overstepped.

"What are they?" Tae pressed when Namjoon didn't continue. The others made noises of agreement, staring at him.

"Uhm. Well." Namjoon scratched at his cheek and winced when his fingers came into contact with the bruise. "So, we could take it to the authorities, report him for assault. The problem there is that the police might not act very quickly on this since..." He trailed off with a twist of his lips.

"Because I'm gay," Jimin supplied quietly, shoulders hunching. Yoongi wrapped his other arm around the younger, pulling him into a hug.

"Yeah," Namjoon confirmed grimly. "And Jongwoon might also release the pictures out of spite when reported."

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