Chapter Six: Should Versus Want

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AN:  Enjoy!


Seokjin didn't like how long Namjoon had been off with Hoseok. It wasn't that he didn't trust Hobi; he knew his friend had a strict no-guest policy. He was just concerned about what they were talking about. He kept glancing toward them at the water's edge, mind running away with him. Yoongi had told him that Hobi had been Namjoon's waiter so, obviously, the usually bubbly man knew what had happened to the blond. Both the restaurant workers also knew that Namjoon was married. He wasn't sure why that should bother him, but it did. His brain worried that Hoseok would try to warn Namjoon away from hanging out with them. Never mind that Seokjin wasn't trying to put the moves on a married man.

He was glad that Yoongi said he hadn't told the other three about the events at the Ciel. It was weird enough for Seokjin to show up with an unannounced guest without everyone knowing the circumstances of Namjoon's presence. He worried a little what his youngest friends would think. It was obvious Taehyung already thought Namjoon was Seokjin's date; if the poor, innocent groom discovered that Namjoon was married it would probably wreak havoc on him and his very black-and-white view of how the world worked.

After that thought flickered through Seokjin's mind, he shook his head and took another sip of his wine. He was being silly and he knew it. If it came out that Namjoon had a spouse, it would be easy enough to just insist that he had come as Seokjin's friend and nothing more. That was what he had come as, anyway. It wouldn't be a lie.

Seokjin didn't know why this whole thing made him so uncomfortable. Maybe it was a mistake to bring Namjoon, after all.

Glancing back at the water, he nearly choked on his wine as he watched Hoseok pull Namjoon into a hug. The light from the fire made seeing further out difficult, but Seokjin could clearly see the two forms standing in a definite "hug" proximity. He warred silently with himself for a moment, trying to keep himself from storming down to them. He had this insane urge to tear the two away from each other. In almost the same instant, he told himself he was being utterly ridiculous. He had no reason to be upset over someone touching Namjoon. It wasn't his business.

That hug was lasting far too long for his liking, though.

He felt a jolt of relief as he watched them part and start making their way back up to the fire. By the time they entered the orange glow cast by the fire, both men were laughing about something. Namjoon left Hoseok's side and made for the fire, standing closer than Jin thought safe. Coming around the fire in order to stand by the blond's side, Seokjin saw the younger man shivering.

"Did you want my sweater?" Jin asked when Namjoon glanced over at him. The older took a closer look at Namjoon's face in the firelight. The younger's eyelashes were stuck together in tiny, dark triangles and Seokjin's stomach clenched in anger. Had Hobi made him cry again?

"No, it's fine. The fire will warm me back up." They were silent for a moment while Jin finished off the contents of his cup and Namjoon rotated himself with the slowness of a rotisserie chicken, letting the warmth soak into his sides and back. "Thanks for inviting me. I like your friends." He paused then smirked. "The wine is nice, too."

"Speaking of..." Seokjin picked up a nearby bottle and refilled both their cups before 'clinking' his against Namjoon's. "Want to sit?"

They found spots on a large driftwood log that sat directly behind them. Namjoon shed his sandals, digging his feet into the sand with a sigh. Seokjin carefully pushed the wine bottle into the sand next to the log to keep it from spilling.

He wasn't sure how long they sat there in silence, emptying the bottle and most of another. It was oddly comfortable, quietly watching the fire as they drank their wine. Occasionally, a laugh or shout from one of the others would break through the night but, for the most part, everyone had settled down to just enjoy the companionable quiet. Half an hour? And hour? It all passed in a heartbeat. Somewhere on the other side of the fire, he could hear a drunken Jimin singing in a soft tenor. It took only a moment before a surprisingly deep baritone joined in that Jin recognized as Tae. Then Jungkook's voice eased in between the other two. The volume started to rise a little and Jin made out the words. Without another thought, he lifted his own voice to join those of his friends, rounding out their harmony.

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