Chapter Twenty-Eight - Return of the Cardboard Fairies

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AN: Hey lovelies!  Please enjoy!  If you like it, vote!  And leave me a comment or five; I'm an attention-whore. 


"Sooooooooo?" Geongmin leaned forward, her elbows on the table as she stirred her water with the plastic straw sticking out of it. "Spill all the tea, sister. You were radio silent for like two fucking weeks. I need to know everything."

Namjoon picked at his eggs with a fork, trying to decide whether or not he was really that hungry. He hadn't slept since the night before last and hadn't eaten since the Ciel. He was a strange mixture of starving and nauseous. He knew a lot of it had to do with being exhausted, but some of the unsettled feeling in his stomach came from the emotional drain of earlier that morning.

"It was three days," he muttered before setting down the utensil. He tried a bite of his toast instead, nibbling on the crispy crust.

"Same difference." She pushed her drink aside and took a bite of bacon.

"I've been quiet for longer than that," he pointed out, setting the crusty bread down on the side of his plate with a sigh.

"Not while stuff was happening, though."

"He was bugging my phone. I left it off so he couldn't track me anymore."

There was a very long pause from his sister as she froze mid-chew. She finally swallowed and set her slice of bacon down with exaggerated care. "He what?"

Namjoon sipped at his water before picking his toast back up, relieved it was settling well enough to keep eating. "Jackson put some kind of spy software on my phone. He's been monitoring me. My movements, my calls, my texts." He sent her an apologetic look. "I'm not sure how much of our conversations he's read but he's been doing it since he gave me the phone."

His sister picked her bacon back up and snapped it in half with a huff. "And to think I couldn't dislike him anymore than I already do. What an utter asshat."

"Can we not talk about him?" Namjoon felt his stomach roil and forced himself to swallow another bite of toast. "I'm exhausted."

"Right, right. So, tell me about my new oppa." She waved half a slice of bacon at him invitingly but he held up a hand to decline it. "Seokjin, right?"

"Yeah, but everyone calls him Jin, typically."


Namjoon nodded absently. "He's the eldest of the group. Uhm. Dark hair, dark eyes, maybe two or three centimeters shorter than me."

"Wow. So detail. Much visual. Very picture." She plopped the last bite of bacon into her mouth and rolled her eyes. "I saw the selca, you regurgitated cactus. I know what he looks like. Tell me about him. What's he do for a living?"

He hesitated for a fraction of a second, debating how much to tell her. Part of him worried that it would look like he was leaving Jackson for someone with more money, like he was gold-digging. But this was just his sister; she wouldn't think that of him. She knew better.

"He owns the resort," he finally admitted, sucking butter off his thumb after finishing the last of his toast.

"The entire resort?"

It was Namjoon's turn to give his sister an exasperated stare. "Because you can own a portion of a resort?"

She tossed a homestyle potato cube at him; it bounced off his cheek and landed on top of his eggs. "You know what I mean," she groused. "He's not, like, a partner in the company or something?"

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