Chapter 26

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My blood instantly ran cold.

Molly's house?

Of course.

That's why I have been stalked by her ghost even before I even stepped foot over the threshold. But if I'm being haunted by her ghost does that mean her spirit can't move on.

Is that why she keeps asking me for help?

Even though my conscious mind already knew and put the pieces together. I'm still having trouble hearing it being confirmed. I can't believe I didn't figure all this out before.

I live in the house where a teenage girl lived and was killed in. Molly Sanders, an idol to most of the girls at Rochester High. Not only did this information sound shocking but it also scares the hell out of me. I do not want the whole school finding out where I live.

"I think she went into shock." Kia snickered, snapping me back into present time.

From the corner of my eye I could see her lift a finger as she moved it towards my face getting ready to poke me. "Don't you dare." I said sudden making her jump as Dom and Slade took extra long deep breaths.

As I came out of my reverie I noticed we were no longer in the car pulling into the garage. I currently sat in my kitchen on a stool at the breakfast bar surrounded by Dom, Slade, and Kia feeling like a science experiment. It makes me wonder how long my brains has been shut down from reality.

"Damn BG, you scared us half to death." Slade sighed in relief, smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You're the one who dropped the bomb on me."

He just shrugged still smirking which I just wanna slap off his face.

"Lil bit, are you okay?" Dom spoke up this time.

I caressed his cheek lightly smoothing my thumb over his bottom lip. "I'm fine, baby."

Dom nodded, satisfied with my answer. "Good, now tell me, who the hell is Molly Sanders?" He asked cutely confused as his eyebrows came together in the middle and his nose scrunched up.

Signing deeply I dropped my head back towards the ceiling. "Oh shit. I need a damn drink." I groaned.

"15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20." I yelled while hiding behind the couch snuggling a more than half empty bottle of Tequila, covering my eyes. I stood up to find no one in sight.

What was I even counting for? Why am I even down here?

Just then Dominic walked around the corner into the living room, perking up immediately as his gaze fell on me.

"Dooooooommmmmmyy...." I giggled running up to him. "Catch me." I sang jumping at him.

He chuckled at my drunken behavior, catching me mid flight. "Babe, I think you had too much to drink." He claimed, trying to grab the bottle of Tequila from my grasp.

He held me on his hip with one arm as he tried grabbing the bottle with his other.

Tequila is a damn narcotic. My blood feels like gasoline as it runs through my body while my veins are the matches, burning me up from the inside. Feeling so damn good.

I don't even know how I came to be this drunk. We all started playing a few drinking games and the rest I sort of blacked out on. Slade and Kia were just with me as we danced around the living room to no music but they seem to have disappeared as I ran to Dom. He is the soberest one out of all of us, Slade is the most wasted while Kia falls in between Dom and I on our drunken scale.

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