Chapter 17

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I didn't understand a thing that was happening or how I even got here, in my basement of my new house staring into the corner. In the corner was this blonde girl laying there in the fetal position, shaking and whimpering softly. Her hands were covering her face as she cried, so I couldn't see her face at all. She was currently wearing what looked like a beat up, tattered old Halloween costume. Her blonde was knotted up in to a nest, she looked homeless. Next to her on the floor was a puddle, almost the size of of shedding tears.

I closed my arms around me, rubbing my hands up and down my arms as a cold chill passed through me.

"Are you okay?" I asked the girl, as I slow begin to walk towards her. "Who are you and how did you get in my house?"

Those questions only seem to make her cry harder, causing me to take a step back, away from her. I waited a few minutes for her to calm down a bit before proceeding to her again, I squatted down next to her. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked her again, touching her shoulder but pulled my hand back so fast I nearly ripped my arm out the socket. Her skin is a cold as ice, it's like she was put in the freezer for the last month and was now let out and is some how still alive.

"You're so cold." I whispered.

Suddenly, she stop crying, her shoulder were no longer moving and her hands were slowing dragging down her face wiping away all her tears. The movement kind of made me little scared so I stood up quickly and slowly started backing up away from her.

I heard a noise from behind so I turned around really quick to see what it was, when I saw nothing I turned my attention back to the girl only to find that she wasn't there anymore. I looked around the basement but she was no where in sight, I begin to feel that breathing down my neck again. Without, turning around I ran straight for the basement door trying to get out, luckily the door was unlocked but as soon as I opened it there she was again.

She just stood there looking at me but that's not even the strange part about the whole situation. Her face was completely blacked out, I couldn't even even make out no of her facial features. Almost like her face was an endless black whole, the only thing that was visible to me were her body and hair, her face didn't existence.

Now, that she was standing I noticed that her body was covered on blue-purplish bruised with what looked like rope burns around her wrists and ankles.

"What happened to you?" I gasped.

Slowly, her head turned to the side and she stood there staring not saying anything. "He killed me." She spoke softly, taking a step closer to me.

In return, I took a step back. "Who killed you?"

"He killed me. He killed me. He killed me." She kept repeating while taking a step closer to me each time. But every time she would take a step closer to me I would take one back away from her.

"Who killed you?" I asked her again, I felt my heel hanging off the back k of something. When I looked down I saw my foot at the the top of the stairs, I hadn't noticed that she forced me to the stairs.

I looked back at her to see her started to sprint towards me with her hands out in front of her. "HE KILLED ME." She yelled as cold hands pushed me back, sending my down the stairs, I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came.

I opened my eyes and I was in a dark room laying on a soft mattress, I looked around and noticed that I was back in my room, laying on my bed. I was still under my covers, but now drenched in sweat, obviously it was a nightmare. I stared around my room which was pitch fucking black and after that nightmare I didn't want to be alone. I pulled the covers, getting out of bed, my toes curled under at the cold wooden floors.

Walking out of my bedroom I stepped into the chilly hallway walking down to Nico's door, I cracked open his door to see if he was still awake. His moonlit room shown enough to see his body spiraled across his bed with the covers halfway off the bed. He wore a white muscle shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts, I walked over to him and shook him awake.

"Nico, wake up please." I begged, shaking his shoulders. He mumbled something under his breath then opened his eyes to me, slowly blinking the sleep out of them.

"Lahli Bear, what's wrong? Why are you cry?" He scrunched his face, lifting his face off the pillow.


Staring at him confused, I touched my face and sure enough I felt moisture under my shaky hands, the whole time I was crying and didn't know it. I seriously thought it was sweat, just like it covered the rest of my body all because of that stupid fucking nightmare.

"I had a nightmare." I sniff. "Can I sleep in here, with you?" I threw on my best sad puppy eyes, they always seem to work on him.

"Yeah, of course, Lahli Bear." He nodded, scooting over to make room for me. Crawling in the bed next to him, I grabbed his cover and snuggling up under it, next to him on his huge king size bed. I buried my face in his chest as he threw his arm around my shoulders pulling me into him. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.

I shook my head no in response.

"Okay. Night, Lahli Bear." He said after kissing my sweat forehead.

"Night, Coey." I whispered sleepily, totally content.

I love my brother for many reasons, the biggest one is the fact that I can always fell safe with him. Even if were in a room filled with flesh eating zombies surrounding us, if I am in his arms or by his side I would still fell like one of the safest girls in the world. I continued to fall into a deep slumber, knowing that I will not dream any nightmares with my protective big brother next to me.


It was short, I know :/

Updating soon.

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