Chapter 46

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"Kalahni! Come out, we have to go. Kalahni!" They sounded close yet so far away as the ringing in my ears began, blocking out some income of sound.

I tried so hard to answer them but I couldn't speak, even though I tried my hardest to pull together a coherent thought.

Slowly, I pulled my heavy eyelids open after dynamic strength. My sight gradually cleared from its blur as I looked around, taking a moment to recognize where I lay.

In the basement of my house, tied to the rails on a thin padded cot as a gag was fastened around my mouth making it impossible to scream.

The pace of my heart began to quicken as my breathing got heavier. Yanking on the rope I tried freeing myself but to no avail.

"You know when you breath like that it just turns me on even more." A malicious voice came to me from in the far left corner of the basement.

I gasped, hysterical I began yank at all the ropes binding me to the bed.

He kicked off the corner, proceeded towards me while pulling a hunter's knife from his side, playing with the tip of it with his finger.

Shaking my head no as if that would help change his mind, my eyes watered vastly as I began crying like my life depended on it. "Please...'" I cried, the gag muffled my plea.

He chuckled, darkly. "You know, Molly begged for her life the entire time." He smirked. "Right up to the point where I slit her throat."

"No!" I closed my eyes wishing, hoping that this was just a fucking dream.

A nightmare.

"Kalahni!" Dom yelled again. "Come out! Kalahni, get your ass out here!" He paused, probably in distress and anger. "This really isn't funny anymore!"

He sighed, angrily. "Gosh, that boyfriend of yours is always fucking up every fucking thing." He sneered, staring next to the cot as he stared down at me murderously.

He has to be shitting me, Dominic is my boyfriend for Christ's sake of course is going to be where I'm at.

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

In one split moment he was on top of me and his blade was at my throat as his eyes bored into mine. His blonde fringe shadowed his face making him look massively angry, down casting his nearly black green eyes.

If looks could kill my great grandchildren would be dead.

"You know." He seethed. "I should hurt you now just because he pisses me off." He threatened as my tears continuing water falling their way down my cheeks. "But I'm not." He trailed off, dragging the knife tip down my neck stopping to hover over my breasts. "You're much prettier than Molly." He added suggestively.

"No!" I cried as loud as I could, struggling against his and the ropes hold on me. "No no."

"Go ahead, I love it when you beg." He chuckled, his eyes leering into mine as he leaned down and began kissing down my neck.

Hungrily, he cut through the straps on my corset, split in down the middle before ripping it from my body and threw it across the basement.

Tugging at the ropes I cried hysterical as I witnessed my first full on panicked attack. Thrashing all around I attempted to have another go at breaking free as the want became unbearable. He started kissing down my stomach, playing with the waistband on my tutu.

The feeling of disgust and filthy-ness washed over me like a title wave, instantaneously stirring up emotions and memories I successfully buried in the back of my mind.

Deep down in a forbidden area I refuse to visit. Ever.

A place where my world was violated beyond repair, a place where faces and voices haunt me til I'm in painful tears.

So, there's no way I'm letting this psychotic freak rape me which is why it didn't take me long to go along with the only idea in mind.

Waiting until he got low enough I brought my knee up as hard as I could into his groin. Groaning, he tumbled over me grabbing a hold of his little puppies in pain.

Quickly, I reached for the gag around my mouth, considering my restraint I slid up towards my hand. Mustering up all my strength I pulled against the rope, crying out as the rope rubbed harshly against my skin as my other arm twisted in pain.

Hastily, I hooked my middle finger and pulled the gag down passed my chin, screaming at the top of my lungs.


Growling viciously, Alex stood up from the floor, grunting in pain. "Shut up, you stupid bitch." He seethed as he brought his hand back and slapped me across the face, worsening my head injury.

Severely, my vision began to blur again, but I fought against it just not hard enough as I faded into unconsciousness.

Loud banging was the last sound I heard before my eyes closed completely and I drifted off again.


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