Chapter 47

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*Dominic's POV*

Having Nico or Ronnie with you alone is annoying enough, but when they are together it's like sticking my head in a cage full of vicious tigers. I don't know which is more irritated the one the penis or the one with vagina and I'm pretty Ronnie's the one with the penis.

Especially, when they're together its hard to tell which one belongs to which.

It's no secret that Nico has beyond friend feelings for Ronnie and the world knows how Ronnie feels about Nico. Ronnie wants to live in the moment while Nico rather live in denial with pink unicorns and rainbows that shit out skittles.

News flash Nico neither one exist.

"So Nico the freak-o, which slut are you going to slob down tonight?" Ronnie voiced.

I rolled my eyes. God, here we go.

We were so close to a drama free car ride, but of course Ronnie is always the start of most.

Nico rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I'm glad you think so highly of me." He smirked.

"What can I say, you always seem to fucking surprise me." She muttered, nonchalantly.

"Do I?" He mocked enthusiasm making me chuckle a bit.

"No, dick."

I wanted this argument to end before it began which is why I already decided in my mind that I would drop them off at Ian's before going back to pick up Lahni.

Kalahni. If only she was here I wouldn't be going though this torcher now, they wouldn't dare behave this way in front of her.

I miss her, well, kind of.

She has been acting very hormonal lately, snapping at people and being extremely clingy to me, though I can't help but love the clingy part. I love being in her presence, she's like an angel sent from above, made just for me. I know this may seem cliche, well shit, I'm way pass the cliche part but I couldn't imagine life without her.

She's the best part of me, the best part of my day and it kills me being away from her. Although, I'd never tell how bad and alone I feel when I'm back in Miami because I know her. She'll feel extremely guilty for moving away and its not her fault and I don't even dare to bring it up to her now. Especially since she has been more emotionally than I can handle.

Most likely it's just PMS and hopefully it will go as fast as it came because I don't know how much more I can take. I would never tell her how I'm really feeling, definitely not with her acting so insane, she will probably crying me to death.

I love her, but she is driving me up the walls.

"Holy shit, Chez!" Nico burst. "What crawled up your vagina and died?!"

Eyes widened, I tried my best to keep my attention on the road as I turned into Ian's neighborhood, following the GPS to lead us there. They didn't know my plan nor were they paying attention to where we are going.

"I don't know." She said, simply. "But I can enlighten you on what didn't."

"Okay, we're here." I smiled, stopping the car in front of what the GPS told me as Ian's place. It's definitely bigger than I thought it would be. Its massive build covered in roof to gravel in oranges lights and Halloween decorations but it wasn't tacky instead very sophisticated looking.

Professional done.

"What?" Ronnie puzzled, looking out of the window in shock. "Wait, what about Lahni?"

I turned around to face her. "Well, since its been such an amazing car ride with you two I decided to drop you guys off first." I smirked. "Now, you two, get the hell out of my girlfriend's car."

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