Chapter 3

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Hope you enjoy, I know the last chapter was pretty short :)



We have been on the road for too long, having only one bathroom break and that was 2 1/2 hours ago. He says he doesn't want to make too many stops because he doesn't want us too behind in time.

"Dominic, do you want me to pee on myself?" I whined.

"Yeah, sure go ahead. If that's the kinda stuff you're in to." He said slowly, amusement clear in his voice.

"Don't make me laugh!" I said desperately trying to hold it in.

"I just wanna tell you now that, that is sooo unattractive." He said seriously.

"Baaaaabe, stop."

"Baaaaaabe, stop what?" He mocked.



"Quit it."

"Quit it."

"I, Dominic will never see Kalahni naked ever again if I don't stop mocking her." I smiled.

"I, Dominic will never see Kalahni nak-" He cut off quickly after he realize what he was just about to say. He looked over at me with wide eyes before composing his face. "You're bluffing." He smirked sure of himself, turning his eyes back to the road.

"Try me." I smiled as I watched his smirk dropped from his face.

Finally, we made it to the gas station in Jacksonville, stopping for a pee break, food and gas.

After that we got right back on then road again, only this time we are going ten hours to Nashville.

I am now the driver, I switched spots with Dom who switched spots with Ronnie. So, now he was in the back knocked out while Ronnie and I are sang along, badly, to the music blasting through my speakers.

Five hours into the drive I pulled over at a gas station so I could use the restroom. Ronnie and Dom where both fast asleep so I didn't bother waking them, I wasn't going to be long.

When I walked inside I didn't find the restroom so I asked the store clerk behind the counter, it was big lady with red hair, she had a huge mole underneath her left nostril. "Excuse me, where are your restrooms?" I asked her, having a feeling like I was being watched. I turned around spotting a dude who looked like a straight up pedophile, staring me up and down.

The way he looks at me gave me chills down my spine, and not the good kind either.

He had scruff all over his face, looking like he hasn't took a bath in about a week. His clothes looked like dirty rags he found in a back alley behind a dumpster.

Everything about him screamed 'I need a shower and quick.'

"The bathrooms are around back miss."

I nodded my head saying thank you then walk out of the store. I hope the bathrooms aren't gross, I hated using public restrooms as it is. I dreaded opening the door but surprised to find the bathroom pretty decent.

After, I did my business I washed my hands and drying them off. On my way out, I used the paper towel that I dried my hands off with to open the door.

So what, I'm a germ freak, some people don't wash their hands after they use the restrooms, and that's just gross.

As I came out the restroom I notice that the same guy that was staring me up and down in the store was waiting outside the door.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest at the sight of him.

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