Chapter 11

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After, all of this we finally made it to my new house. Most of the houses in the neighborhood were secluded, so when we found mine it had a long drive up to the actual driveway and it didn't even stop it went all the way to the back of the house.

When we pulled up in front, the first thing that popped into my head was 'is my mom pregnant with triplets or something' because this house is way too big for three people.

The whole house was made of stone, it had three garages in the front and who knows how many more in the back with this fucking never ending driveway we have.

"We're moving in." Ronnie said, mouth hanging open.

"Right." Dom agreed.

Ronnie parked the car in the middle of the driveway in front of one of the garages. We all got out at the same time just staring at my new house in silence.

"Wow. Um mm.. you sure this is the right place, Dom?" I asked not looking away from the house.

"There only one way to find out." He said holding up the house key.

Dom and Ronnie started walking towards the house but I stood there trying to get over the fact that this might be were I live now.

I quickly looked up at the house again, only to find a blonde girl standing in the window staring at me. My heart began race.

"You guys I don't think this..." I trailed off, staring at Ronnie and Dom walking in the front door.

I looked back up at the window and the girl was gone, that can't be possible I only took my eyes off of her for a spilt second.

I ran to catch up with Ronnie and Dominic, through the front door and right into them. I bounced back and landed right on my ass on the wooden floor.

"Damn, you guys are like brick walls." I groaned from the floor.

"And you're like a bouncy ball." Ronnie retorted, as her and Dom helped me off the floor.

"Touché." I said rubbing my ass, it was a bit sore now. That really hurt.

"Want me to kiss it and make it feel better?" Dom smirked.

"Ha. So funny." I made a face at him while he just laughed at me.

I closed the front door, looking around the house. As soon as we walked in the front door, to the left we saw a staircase leading upstairs, that was across from a door, most likely leading to the garage. Before that was a pair of double glass leading into a decent size study with a fire place. Next to the study was a door to the downstairs bathroom, to the right of front door was a little carpet living room area. We kicked our shoes off, not wanting to get the new carpet dirty, and continued walking on passed the stairs into the den with a fire place. The den's ceilings were huge, up to the second story ceilings.

The movers had set our whole den up and even put our flat screen on the wall over the fireplace.

Across from the den was the kitchen, it was beautiful. With granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances. It even had a pot holder connected the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There was two big double glass doors leasing outside to the backyard, which was huge.

Leaving the kitchen there was a door which led to the laundry room and that room had a door that lead to the basement. Our last house was big, but it wasn't this big.

Through the kitchen was the dining room, were the movers had already set up the table and chairs.

"Let's go down to the basement girls." Dominic smirked.

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