Just some fun

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The familiar creek of the door filled the quiet of the room and I could smell his overpowering cologne almost instantly. By now it was a ritual, a routine well rehearsed. I kept my eyes tightly closed, so hard I could see patterns of colour forming in the darkness. It hurt my head to have my eyes closed this tightly.

"Little Liam." He whispered, wanting me awake. But I wanted to be so heavily asleep that I never woke up again.

I remained tremendously still. Not moving, not breathing. Eyes closed. If I'm asleep maybe he'll go away. I heard his footsteps walking across the room, they sounded lighter than usual but just as dangerous.

Keep your eyes closed Liam, you're asleep. You're asleep.

The floorboards creaked as I played out every disgusting scenario that he would have me do tonight in my mind. He was getting closer to me, I could feel him. He was all over my body but he hadn't even touched me yet.

I don't know what stings worse, the anticipation of what was to come, when it's actually happening or the moment it is over and you're left alone to soak in every excruciating detail that happened.

He towered over my bed, casting an intimidating shadow over my small figure. Normally he would pull back the covers and slip inside but he's not, he's just standing there. What is he planning?

Keep them closed Liam, it's working. He'll go away.

But then I felt him. His hand penetrating the safety of my blankets, they felt cold and unwelcome. Touching me in areas of my body that I had exposed. Bare skin against bare skin.

Don't open your eyes Liam.

The touching became harder, more forceful and my subconscious started slipping away, bringing me back to reality. But I didn't open my eyes. I lay perfectly still and the hand was still there. Touching me under the blanket. It wasn't a dream, this is reality. He's here. It's happening, again.

I forced my eyes open, alarmed at the dark shadow standing above my bed. I jolted back to the far side of the bed away from the moving figure. Everything clenched inside of me and my heart raced, I was having a heart attack. The figure stood up taller, becoming an intimidating size that towered over my small body.

"Liam?" He said in that accent.

I trembled and struggled to breathe, I was going to die.

"Liam, it's okay. It's me." A hand reached out to touch me and I threw myself backwards to get away, falling to the floor and shuffling as far back as the room could allow.

There was no oxygen left in the air, my heart was constricting, my lungs had failed. Everything was shutting down, going dark. If I passed out my body was his. All I could smell and taste was fear, it clung to my taste buds and drowned me from the insides.

He followed me, dropping to the floor. I didn't want him here, I didn't want him anywhere near me.

Go away. Please. Go away.

"Liam?" The voice whispered.

I could feel his eyes all over my body, claiming me as his own. I pulled my knees up to hide my chest and hugged myself, trying to settle the shaking. The hand reached out again, touching my bicep gently and the band around my lungs pulled tighter. I slid away, cowering down as low as I could.

"Close your eyes" My chest hurt from breathing so sharply, I felt like a dagger had punctured something inside and there was no coming back from the damage that had occurred. I was dying.

The face in front me was that of a stranger, assessing me through the darkness with kind eyes. But I couldn't close my eyes because unknowing what was happening was even scarier than knowing.

"It's okay, I'm not going to touch you. Trust me. Close your eyes and listen to the sound of my voice." I hesitated, breathing through the fear that choked me. But eventually I closed my eyes, blocking out the sight of him. Only then could I hear her voice instead of his.

"You are safe." She told me calmly. I took deep breaths.

In, out, in, out. My rib cage bounced up and down with each one but my eyes remained closed. Imagining her lips as she spoke the words to me.

"It's just us, we are alone. Just you and me."

I let myself imagine her, the swoosh of her blonde curls falling delicately around her face. Her eyes that have never judged me even before understanding my reasons. Her soft voice that was clear and precise in a moment I really needed to listen to it.

"Nobody is going to hurt you." She repeated her line over and over to me until I started to believe it.

"He's not here."

"He's not here." I told myself.

"Just me and you. Olivia and Liam."

"He's not here." I repeated.

"Open your eyes."

"He's not here." I said for a third time before opening my eyes, it was terrifying but I forced them open. Blinking in the room but seeing it differently now. Seeing her.


"Yes, just me and you." She reassured me.

I pushed out all of the contaminated air from my lungs and threw my head down onto my knees. A dam had burst and every last sob and tear that clogged inside of me came pouring out. It was loud and messy, I had no control over it. Somewhere at the back of my mind I was conscious of Olivia watching it all.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked through sobs.

"Uh... I... um... I didn't mean to wake you... I just wanted to ... um... get something from your room." She stuttered out her words, failing to form a real sentence and my brow furrowed wondering what she could possibly need from my room so urgently through the night.

"wha-" I began to ask but as the word slipped out of my lips I realized exactly what she wanted by the guilty expression she wore on her face. "My keys." I whispered in disbelief.

Fuck, she did all that just for my keys?

I thought he was real, I thought he was here.

Abrasively I stood up and stamped my way to the bed, feeling around underneath the pillow for the brash chunks of metal. She sat watching me quietly, regretting her stupid decision.

"You want them so fucking bad, here." I threw them at her and she caught them on instinct. I couldn't even look at her, my heart still raced and my body still trembled all for what, fucking keys that I specifically told her she couldn't have.

Why would she do this to me?

"Liam... it was only meant to be a little bit of fun."

My eyes soared, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

"Fun?!" I screeched, making her cower down from the impact of my loud voice. "You think sneaking into my bedroom when I'm sleeping and touching me under the covers is fun?"

"Liam I-"

"After everything you know about me, you thought that would be fun for me?"

"Liam I'm sorry. I didn't think." She pleaded.

"Get out." I waved her off towards the door aggressively. I could see her getting upset but right now I didn't care. My whole body felt in pain, inside and out. I was losing control and if she didn't leave now she might get hurt.

"Liam please" She begged.

"Enjoy your ride Liv, I hope it was worth it for you." She sighed sadly and then closed the door behind her.

An ignited rage bubbled up inside of me like adding gasoline to a burning flame, ready for explosion. I clenched my fists up and punched a hole into the plaster on one of the bedroom walls. My knuckles bled but it didn't stop me doing it again, and again and again. I grabbed a lamp and launched it across the room, desperately trying to rid this feeling inside of me. But it didn't work so I continued smashing and punching things until I had no energy left.

Then I slipped down onto the floor and cried quietly into my hands.

I'm such a fucking fuck up.

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