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Malora was so anxious about her sister meeting Titan that she forgot to warn him of her frail appearance. It was only when she opened the door in her best blue dress, and smiling through freshly applied lipstick that Malora realized what Lorena must look like to a stranger. But when she looked up at Titan he was smiling and suave.

He handed her sister the bouquet of flowers he had brought for her and stepped through the door into their home.

'Thank you for inviting me, Ms. McCarran. It is a great pleasure to finally meet you.'

'Nice to meet you too, Mr. Pitts.'

'Please, you must call me Titan.'

'And you must call me Lorena.'

'That's a lovely name, Lorena.'

'Well, my mother love the sound of it.'

'I agree with her. A pretty name it is,' he charmed.

It thrilled Malora to see her sister smile, even if it was brief.

'Come in, come in,' Lorena invited.

Titan took Malora's hand. She was surprised at how casually he did it. As if he had done it many times before.

Lorena had decorated the table with fresh flowers and candles. The door to the small balcony was open and the sound of children laughing floated up. Her sister quickly closed the door and put on some music instead.

'Something smells very good,' Titan said.

Lorena glowed with pleasure. It was obvious she was taken with Titan. 'Oh, it's just chicken and rice. One of our mother's recipe.'

'With fruit?'

'Yes, pomegranates. How did you know?'

And so the night went with Lorena glowing and impressed and Titan urbane and genteel. Lorena had to excuse herself to attend to Louis when his things cries echoed in house.

When the food appeared it was delicious. Titan made it a point to polish his plate. Occasionally, he looked with adoring eyes at Malora , and other times reached for her hand, never too obvious, and so real it made her freeze uncomfortably. Once he even reached forward and lightly brushed his lips against hers.

Malora blinked with surprise and glanced at Lorena, but she was smiling happily at her. Another time he looked mockingly into Malora's eyes as he stroked the inside of her wrist. She turned away in confusion. This Titan she could not understand or deal with. This Titan was dangerous to her well-being and sanity.

This Titan she would want to keep beyond the three months stipulation.

For dessert Lorena served a chocolate melt in the middle pudding. Again, Titan made it a point to finish every last drop. When Lorena offered him a strong, Middle Eastern coffee, he immediately accepted.

There was only one uncomfortable moment in the evening when Lorena turned to Titan and asked, 'Have you ever done anything that you wish you could go back and undo?  Something you regret?'

'No,' Titan said easily.

Lorena turned to her. 'What about you, Mal?'

Malora looked her sister in the eye. 'Absolutely not.'

After dessert, Malora excused herself to go check on Louis. The baby was sleeping in his cot—one passed down from their mother to Lorena. He was clad in a baby blue jumpsuit and his shaved head was covered with a little white beanie. His skin looked pale and clammy, and his little lips lacked any color. She gently ran her index finger down his soft little cheek with fond smile on her lips and tears in her eyes.

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