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Hey! I know this sucks and I'm really sorry. I hate to get your hopes up about an update but I wanted to talk about why I haven't been writing. It's nothing serious, it's just that I took a break from writing over my winter break and I haven't been able to get back into it. I've been really tired since before break and with Christmas and New Years and my step siblings being over quite often I've been exhausted. Seeing as school has started up again I plan on focusing on that until I'm into the groove enough that I can devote energy to other things. I hope you all understand and know that I am not abandoning this story, and when I find the motivation I will keep writing. But for the moment I'm trying to focus on resting more and overall taking better care of myself.

Thank you for understanding! It means a lot.

~Need You Tonight~ David x OCWhere stories live. Discover now