Chapter Four

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The summer breeze was warm, even high up in the sky. Even though David's undead hands were cold, she felt warm. The pain they both felt through their touch now only felt like a warm prickling, as they had endured it so long. She didn't remember anyone carrying her through the window. She didn't remember anyone removing her tank top and skirt. She didn't remember anyone tucking her under the covers. And she didn't remember anyone brushing their lips against her jaw, in their best attempt at a goodnight kiss.


Oswyn woke to the sound of knocking on her door. She opened her eyes to blinding sunlight streaming through the window.

"Oswyn?" It was her mother. "Oswyn, sweetheart? Are you still sleeping?"

Her instincts kicked in. The girl groaned to herself and rubbed her eyes, sitting up, snatching up some sunglasses, putting on a robe, and grabbing one of her beloved horror novels from an open box. She had done this routine many times before. Opening the door, the girl was met with the sight of her mother.

"Were you sleeping?" Her mother asked. Oswyn shook her head. "Why do you look like you were?" She gestured to her daughter's pink, flower patterned robe, ray bans, and messy hair. She just held up her book, her expression remaining placid.

"Just taking a rest day from moving? Had a big night last night?" Oswyn gave a single nod in agreement before swinging the door shut in front of her mother's face. The woman sighed, worried about her only daughter.

Oswyn paid no attention to whatever her mother may have been thinking, put down her book, and threw off her robe. She paused, looking down at herself, wondering how she ended up in only her pale blue panties. Only one thing came to mind, David.

That was the only explanation for why she was home safe and sound, and the only explanation for why she would be practically naked. Thinking about it, it was oddly sweet, how much he seemed to care. Fuck. Come on, Oswyn. Don't do that. Mate doesn't mean shit.

With another sigh. She flopped down on the bed, allowing her mind to wander. It decided to wander back to the thoughts she had suppressed about her and David last night. Now, with the boys being asleep, and not being able to drop in on her thoughts, she shamelessly thought about what it would be like to be with David. To do the things that the mating bond required them to do. And with that in mind, she drifted back to sleep.


When Oswyn woke up again the sun had just set, and the last rays of light were settling below the horizon. She sat up, swung her legs off the bed, and stood up without getting dizzy; she had never been the kind of person to get disoriented. Even on her first day as a half vampire, in which she had to attend her little brother's sports carnival, in the blazing Arizona heat, where she had completely forgotten that she did, in fact, need water to survive, the worst thing that had happened to her, was tripping on her skirt as she had walked to the car. With this general superiority in mind, she began looking for a fresh set of clothes. It didn't take her long to find what she had in mind.

The outfit was similar to the one she wore the day before, a white, shin-length skirt, with some obscure flower pattern, and a baby pink, somewhat lacy, spaghetti strap tank top, that was actually a one piece lingerie set, but nobody needed to know that detail.

Oswyn managed to escape the house with zero interaction with her family, and walked through the dark streets of Santa Carla on her way to the boardwalk. Most long time, or even short time residents of the town would advise her against such things. But she knew what made the streets dangerous, she was one of them, and she was protected. When she finally reached her destination, none of the boys were there. Oswyn didn't mind, or at least that's what she told herself, and she simply made her way over to the wooden railing at the edge of the boardwalk, and perched herself upon it.

The people watching was still excellent, as it had been the night before. Nothing was the same, except for the hippie couple, who had again decided to make out by the carousel. Oswyn was so engrossed in observing a couple pre-teen girls get terrorized by some surf nazis, that she didn't hear the roar of motorcycles pull up on the sand behind her.


The girl felt a strange sense of dejavu as her brother called out her name from behind her. She didn't bother turning around. Her brother hadn't done much for her except tell her not to do the things he himself did in an attempt to be cool. She almost jumped when a smooth voice sounded in her head. Almost.

Oswyn. She smiled internally.

Yes, David? Oswyn figured she might as well drag this out, see how impatient her brother would get.

Are you coming? Impatient, impatient David.

I don't know. People watching has been good tonight. A brief silence.

How long have you been half, Oswyn?

About 2 months.

You should come with us. It's time to feed. Oswyn froze up slightly when she heard David say this. Did she want to become part of their family? Yes. Was tonight the night? Tonight's the night, Oswyn.

Oh really? She "said," about to swing around when she heard her brother's voice, out loud.

"Oswyn." Lord, Michael. Could you be any more annoying? She stayed put.


"Oswyn." Both Michael and David's voices could be heard this time. She swung around, lifting her legs over the railing and then letting them dangle over the sand. She raised an eyebrow at the platinum blonde, paying no attention to her brother or the consistent pain that appeared with eye contact. The boys cheered somewhat obnoxiously as she dropped down off the railing, managing to not stumble and fall over on the soft sand. Briefly surveying the group, she noticed Star and Laddie weren't there. David stood up over his motorcycle to allow the girl to climb on behind him, but before she could, a hand grabbed the back of Oswyn's shirt and pulled her away. Michael glared at his sister and gestured for her to climb on behind him instead. Oswyn glared back, and pried his fingers off her shoulder.

Michael frowned at his sister. "Get on my bike, Oswyn."

She raised an eyebrow, as if saying 'why go with you?' She took a step back from her brother and towards David. The other boys laughed and 'ooh'd' at Michael. Oswyn took another step back on her heel and turned around, knocking into something firm. Looking up, she saw David towering over her, smirking as he wrapped his arms around her waist so he could help her onto the back of his bike, even though she didn't really need it. When David's strong hands touched her hips a painful shock ran through her body. She was getting used to the pain, it just came with David until she could bring herself to "tie the knot" in terms of mating.

Somehow, Oswyn couldn't bring herself to be indignant or grumpy over the fact that she had been picked up as if she were a small child. Instead, she found herself pressing her body to David's, embracing the suffering that came with it. Her legs pressed against his, her skin bare due to the way her skirt was bunched up. She scooched forward so her front was flush against his back, her head leaned back. As the group revved their engines, The girl's hands clenched in surprise, bracing herself for the bikes to lunge forward. When the group set off, she let herself relax more, leaning into David comfortably. The boys hollered, enjoying the wind in their hair.

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