Chapter Two

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"You don't have to beat me, Michael. Just try and keep up. Now grab your sister and let's go."

"My sister isn't coming." He glared at the four boys surrounding him. Oswyn sighed.

"Fuck you, Michael." Her voice was raspy and quiet from lack of use, but she made herself heard as she bunched up her skirt to sit behind her brother on his bike. The boys laughed, revving their bikes. The group sped off.


They flew down the beach, the grains of sand flying out from under the wheels. The group, save for Michael and Oswyn, were whooping in excitement. Michael began to slow, the boys sped up.

They could vaguely hear the platinum blonde, who seemed to be the leader, yell out "now, we race!"

They sped up. When they reached the bluff the boys slid to a halt, Michael's bike barely managed to stop itself, tipping over in order to narrowly miss a 500 foot drop to their deaths. The twins both stood up. Oswyn flipped off the laughing boys before brushing dirt off her skirt. Michael punched the leader. Everyone fell silent. Strangely enough, the boy smiled.

"How far are you willing to go, Michael?" He said. The siblings are led down into a cave, as its history is explained to them. The dark haired girl kept clinging to Michael.

"C'mon, Michael. I want to go." She whined. God, people need to stop saying his name, it's getting exhausting.

The two were forced to stay, and the one with the patched up jacket, Marko, was sent to get food.

"See? All you gotta do is ask." The leader lit up a joint. "How about an appetizer?" He took a hit and passed it on. His eyes surveyed the room until they landed on Oswyn, sitting comfortably on a worn out couch, her legs tucked underneath her.

"Pardon me, we've been so rude. I'm David, that's Paul," he pointed to the blonde with the tight white pants. "That's Dwayne." He gestured to the only brunette in the group. "Marko went to get food. Star and Laddie are over there." Never once did David make eye contact. Oswyn knew why.

When the blunt made its circulation around the room and into Michael's hand he took a drag, attempting to seem cool. He coughed and Oswyn took it, putting it in her mouth. To everyone's surprise, she held her smoke well, blowing it out of her nose. She wasn't one to show off, but in this situation, anything that would put her above her brother was a definite upside.

Michael continued asking the boys questions, Oswyn zoned in again, observing the boys. Paul was loud, and it wasn't just his voice. He dressed loud, he moved loud, and the girl was positive he thought loud too. Marko seemed similar to Paul, though she had only seen him briefly. He dressed loud too, and he seemed the most playful. Dwayne was quiet, though not as quiet as Oswyn herself. He was contemplative and seemed to be the most caring, although he enjoyed playing along with the other boy's schemes. Laddie, the little boy, stayed close to either Star, who Oswyn assumed was his sister, or Dwayne. Star obviously didn't want to be there. She dressed remarkably similar to the Emmerson girl, though she seemed a little more gypsy than feminine with the way her frizzy hair was all over the place. She acted kind of pouty and pathetic. Oswyn thought she should just suck it up. There was only one way to get her out of this situation, and judging by how much resilience and strength Star had, or really, didn't have, she couldn't do it.

Finally, though slightly reluctantly, Oswyn turned her attention to David, glad he was preoccupied with Michael. He was interesting, she hated to admit it, but of all the boys, he was the one she was most interested in. He was the one she was most connected with, weather she liked it or not. His platinum blonde hair was cut short at the front and was let long in the back. His strong, angular jaw was covered in stubble. He leaned forward in an old wheelchair, basking in the moonlight dramatically. His clothes were all black from his gloves to his boots. Without noticing she let her eyes wander to his face again. His lips were thin, curved into a mockingly alluring smirk. His eyes were a shocking, beautiful, icy bluish green. David could sense her gaze, Oswyn knew that, but she couldn't bring herself to look away, instead bracing herself for the inevitable pain that would come with eye contact. She understood they would have to acknowledge the problem eventually.

Just as David was turning to look at the, admittedly pretty girl curled up on the couch, his attention was grasped by Marko entering, carrying more Chinese takeout than one person should be able to carry.

"Feeding time! Come and get it boys." Marko yells, handing the cartons to David, who praises his choice in food, before standing and walking over to the twins..

"Guests first." He said, looking at Michael, obviously avoiding eye contact with the boy's sister. Oswyn took one of the cartons, hungrier than she expected. Michael looked at his sister waringly. He didn't trust the boys, and though he and Oswyn weren't close, he felt naturally protective.

"It's only rice. Don't you like rice, Michael? How can a billion Chinese people be wrong?" David continued to tease. Michael took the carton. They began to eat in silence. Oswyn didn't like it. Silence was never interesting to her, even when there were people to observe. Silence was overbearing, and left a strange static in her ears as the little voice in the back of her mind persisted at telling her to do what she knew she had to wait for. This time the voice was saying something different. Something about David, Oswyn didn't like it. She didn't like to be reminded of unpleasant things. Not that David was unpleasant, but the reason for the pain she felt when they made eye contact... the meaning it held, was certainly undesirable to the quiet blonde.

"How do you like those maggots, Michael?" David spoke. Thank the Lord someone broke the silence.

"What?" Michael, you slow fuck.

"You and your sister are eating maggots. How do they taste?" Both siblings looked down at their food, which now appeared to be wiggling maggots. Michael spat out his food and dropped the carton in disgust. Oswyn just stared at the contents of her box a second longer, before looking up at David. When they made eye contact her gut twisted painfully. She barely avoided flinching. Still not breaking away from the man's hypnotic eyes, she stuck the plastic fork into the food, and took a bite. It tasted like rice, and it didn't wriggle. They boys were confused, but laughed more as Michael yelled out in shock and disgust, attempting to smack it out of his sister's hand. Oswyn pulled her food back, glaring at her brother. She had broken eye contact with David. Oddly enough, she missed the pain.

Star stood up. "Leave him alone!" Great time to grow a pair, Star.

"Sorry, Michael." David apologised "No hard feelings, huh? Here. Try these noodles." Michael leaned forward, looked at the noodles, and leaned back, a look of disgust on his face.

"They're worms."

"Worms?" David smirked, tilting the carton back to scoop some of the contents into his mouth. Michael attempted to stop him. "Why? They're only noodles." David smirked and the other boys laughed, Oswyn joined in with a silent giggle, and a rare, fleeting smile. David noticed, oddly pleased with himself, having made the cynical girl happy.

"That's enough!" Star shouted. Oswyn sighed, bravery really wasn't her look. David waved Marko over, whispering something in his ear. Oswyn heard the word "bottle" through the whisper, thanks to her superior hearing. A moment later, Marko brought out a bottle, covered in gold and red jewels. David took a sip, closing his eyes. The effect of whatever is inside the bottle seemed euphoric. He leaned forward and passed it to Oswyn, who he was the closest to.

"Drink some of this, Oswyn." Their eyes met again, Oswyn registered the pain in his eyes. She blinked, and David blinked back before the girl grabbed the bottle. Before she could lift it, Michael snatched it from his sister's hand.

"You're not drinking anything." He said sharply.

"Then why don't you have some, Michael? Be one of us." David said. The boys began chanting his name.

Star crept up behind him. "Don't, you don't have to Michael." Jeez, this girl was a party pooper. "It's blood."

"Yeah, sure, blood." He tipped back the bottle, and the boys cheered. Oswyn took the bottle from her brother, who seemed spaced out. She knew what was in it. The boys slowed their cheering to watch the girl sniff at the opening.

"It's blood, Oswyn. Don't drink it." Star persisted. Oswyn looked up at her and spoke for the second time that night, come to think of it, the second time she spoke that week.

"I know." And she tipped her head back, letting the thick liquid run down her throat. It was salty, and metallic, and as it made its way into her system, she felt two presences leave her mind. They felt kind of sad, as they felt Oswyn's connection slip away. Yet as the two presences melted away, four more took their place. The boys looked at her, surprised, but they brushed it off and began cheering. 

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