Chapter Sixteen

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"You don't need to eat but would you like to join us?" She sighed as the girl shook her head with a soft "no." The woman was about to give up when she noticed the backpack slung over her shoulder. "Where are you going?"

"Out." She said simply, her bored expression still a refreshing change from her usual apathetic stare.

"With all that stuff?" Lucy's expression was pleading, as if she knew her daughter was leaving for good.

"Yes," and with that the girl turned her heel, hightailing it out of the room. Within a mere second of escaping the dining room, Oswyn ran into something or really someone.


The blonde boy jumped back as he ran into his sister, unused to seeing her in the house.

"Oswyn!" His voice cracked unattractively, reminding the girl just how annoying he was. He had pried, and crowded her and Michael since he could crawl. The girl was sick of her brother's holier-than-thou attitude he had adopted as soon as he could talk; not that he was wrong, now she would cower at the sight of a cross, or a bottle of holy water.

Oswyn paused for a moment to raise an unamused eyebrow at the colorfully dressed boy, before allowing her eyes to wander to the two boys behind him. They were dressed in camo, along with heavy coats and even heavier scowls. Scanning them, she took note of the stakes hidden in their pockets and the crosses hanging from their necks. She allowed a small smirk to glance across her features at the observation. It was an amusing irony that while the twins had gotten mixed up with a gang of vampires, their little brother had found vigilante vampire hunters.

"What are you doing here?" Sam choked out.

"I live here, Sammy." Oswyn deadpanned, Sam now very taken aback. His sister had hardly spoken two words to him in the past year, and now here she was, presenting him with a full four word sentence. "Well, I used to."

The blonde spoke this time more to herself, musing over how her mother would react when she realized her daughter wasn't coming home.

"Used to? What are you talking about?" The teen was quickly growing more and more confused by the second.

"See you around, Sammy." Oswyn said smoothly, eyeing the trio as she walked past, her eyes flashing yellow. She couldn't help but smirk to herself as she left, hearing one of the boys talk in a deep voice.

"She's one of them, Sam. She's a creature of the night!"

Oswyn stepped out of the front door, and began making her way down the drive, her ears perking up as she noticed two figures by the gate instead of one. As she neared the pair, their conversation grew clearer as did the figures of the two boys. This should be interesting.


Michael froze, digging his heels into the gravel as he caught the gaze of the blonde at the end of the driveway.

"What are you doing here, David?" He spat out the name as if it were a filthy slug that had crawled down his throat.

"How do you think your sister got here, Michael? Did she fly?" He paused to chuckle softly to himself. "Well she could have, but she hasn't gotten the hang of it quite yet. Besides, I need to look after my kitten."

Michael's blood was already boiling. How dare he. How dare he come to his house, call his sister pet names, acting as if he knew anything. He opened his mouth to retort when a slender hand rested itself on his shoulder. His head swiveled to see the owner of the hand, standing bathed in moonlight, appearing to his eyes like some ethereal goddess of the night.

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