Chapter Eighteen

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An impossibly loud silence filled the room as the gypsy girl looked around frantically for something to cling onto, some shred of sympathy for her cause but there was none. Had she not been a good person? What bad karma had she amassed since she had met Michael that could lead to this?

"Come on Laddie." She gestured for her little brother to follow her but he just shook his head, cuddling up to Dwayne for safety. The kid's simple act of denying her had been the last pillar tumbling down. She had lost and Oswyn had won.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Star was supposed to win, good was supposed to win. 


Micheal's blood was boiling as he made his way back to his house. What had he just witnessed? It felt far too momentous an event to wrap his head around. He sped up. He hoped the wind whipping through his hair would drag the image of his bloodstained sister from his head. It didn't work and instead he skidded onto the gravel driveway. The kickstand slammed down, then the door slammed, then boots slammed on the floor.

"Michael, is that you?" His mom called from the kitchen, head poking out from the kitchen, "where's Oswyn?" Michael responded with a growl, barging into the kitchen.

"She abandoned us. Left us for good, just like dad." Lucy's mouth opened and closed, unsure of what to say.

Finally she settled on "what?" which sounded decently pathetic in hindsight.

"She ran off, she's not even human anymore! She's living in a cave with a bunch of vampires, I just saw her kill someone!"

"I knew it!"

He spun around to see Sam standing in the doorway, a eureka look on his face, "you're one too, Michael, you're a creature of the night, a bloodsucker, I told you, I knew it!"

"I'm not a monster, Sam."

Lucy stepped closer to Michael with caution, "Mikey is everything ok?"

Michael spun on his heel and rounded on her, "what the hell do you think mom? Dad abandoned us, and then you brought us to this shithole town and started dating some hack then Oswyn abandoned her family for some jackasses she's known for barely a fucking week. And it's your fault mom, if you could get dad to stay we wouldn't be having the conversation in the first place; we'd be in Arizona and everything would be normal!"

"Now Michael that's not fair-"

"Fuck you mom!" He turned to leave and instead bumped into Sam, still standing dumbstruck in the doorway.

Not stopping to hear what he might have to say he barreled past him, shoving him into the doorway. A loud cry of pain flooded the room, shortly followed by a mouthwatering scent flooding the room. Sam lay on the floor, a cut on his temple now dripping down the side of his face. Michael convulsed, smacking a hand over his mouth to try and hold back the fangs straining at his gums.

The vampire nature won and he found himself bearing down on Sam, any rational thoughts trapped in a fog bank at the corners of his mind. He only vaguely felt his mother's hand on his shoulder, just shrugging it off, barely registering the crash behind him. Perhaps he 'shrugged' harder than he thought. He was only drawn away from Sam when a large furry missile crashed into his side.

Nanook barked and growled, teeth tearing into his clothes and flesh and whatever else he could reach.

Grunting in pain, Michael staggered back towards the stairs. He had to get away. Stumbling up the stairs away from the dog he barricaded himself in his room. He leaned back, panting against his door as Nanook growled outside. Slowly dragging himself up the door, he dragged his dresser in front of the door.

"Michael," his head jerked up and he saw Star standing just inside his open window, wind blowing her shawl all around her.

"Star, what are you doing here? I... you..."

She ignored his question and instead stepped towards him, eyes pleading with him, "they took Laddie. Please, I can't do this anymore. I can't be a vampire, I can't let Laddie... I can't let you become a vampire."

"How the hell are we supposed to stop them?"

They stood in silence for a moment, "My brother knows I'm a vampire, he must have some source of information."

"Let's go get him."


Sam listened to Nanook barking his way upstairs to Michael's room. He felt sharken. Had his brother just tried to kill him? Finally gaining enough composure he dragged himself to his feet, looking around the room, dazed. Lucy laid on the kitchen floor, eyes closed and arms splayed.

"Shit!" Hurrying over to his mom, Sam kneeled on the hard tiles.

"Mom? Mom!" He shook her shoulders, she didn't move.

"Oh my god, Michael killed mom, mom's dead!" He began hyperventilating and panicking. Tears pricked at his eyes and he wrapped his arms around her, sobbing into her chest.

His mother was dead, she had hit her head and died and it was all Michael's fault–he was no longer his brother that was for sure. His breaths slowed as the panic ebbed away and an emptiness filled him. He felt like he had left his body and now all that was left was an empty shell laying across his mother's dead body. In the silence he could hear a steady thump thump like a heartbeat.

His mind was taunting him, telling him his mother was alive... she was alive... that was her heartbeat. Sam's head shot up from his mother's chest.

She was alive...

Well that was good. Sighing he stood up, wiping the tears from his face. He needed to stop Michael, before he actually killed someone Sam cared about.


His bike couldn't seem to go fast enough, Sam thought, flinching at every shadow along the streets. This was the first time he had been truly afraid of the dark. He sighed with relief as the bright lights of the boardwalk came into view and he pulled up beside Frog's Comics.

"Sam, what's the matter?" Edgar asked as Sam ran panting into the store. Alan quickly joined them.

"Is it the vampires?"

"It's Michael, he's gone crazy, nearly killed me and mom!"

Edgar nodded, "Alan, get the stakes."

"No!" Sam shouted, "I mean... not yet. I need to talk some things out first. But... ok just be prepared."

A/N: Hey so sorry for the super late update. My life has been a mess the last few months and I had a huge breakdown. But hey, I'm medicated now! Sorry the chapter is short but I have the next few planned out. Only 3 chapters till the end! Happy reading.

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